Vendor Validation result grid definitions:

Validation Result Type: Status of the current validation result
Provider Code: Identifying code of the validation result
Provider Name: Full name of the provider
Provider Message: A message that is attached if there is a 3rd party provider involved
Provider Status: Status that is attached if there is a 3rd party provider involved
Match Type: [None, Partial, Full]
Match Attribute: Field that matches the value (Account Name)
Match Value: Value that matches from the vendor record
Match to Value: Value that matches to the vendor’s attribute
Match Degree: Degree of a match (a higher number means more accuracy)
Internal Message: A message that is attached from the Mekorma Internal System
Internal Status: Status that is attached from the Mekorma Internal System
Matched UTC Date Time: Date time of the matched date time
Database Version: Database version the match was made against
Validation Engine Version: Internal Engine version that was in use to validate the record
Matching Result: N/A for current version
Matched Data Type: Account field that is matched
Database Timestamp: Database updated time
Validation Result ID: Validation record ID
Account ID: Account mapped to the Validation Result
Audit Run ID: Result Set ID
Internal Code: Any internal code that applies

Last modified: February 10, 2023

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