To configure Mekorma Vendor Validation, navigate to the Mekorma AP Configurations screen.

This screen is split into two parts: Mekorma Global Settings and your providers, or services, through Mekorma. Vendor Validation currently has two providers: OFAC (located in the Providers tab) and TIN Provider.

Adjust Mekorma Global Settings to meet your needs:

  1. Verify you are using an AP Hub Version that allows Vendor Validation. The current version is
    • The first two digits refer to the version of Acumatica you are running; the third digit refers to the current release of the year; the last two digits are the Mekorma build version
  2. Click the drop-down arrow to adjust Verbosity:
    • Verbosity is how much data you want to store in the log record (lower log level is less information, high log level is more information)
    • Verbosity levels have four options: quiet, normal, detailed, and diagnostic
      • Mekorma defaults to normal
  3. Click the drop-down arrow to adjust Log Level:
    • Log Level is the detail of what event you want to track
    • Log Level options are: trace, debug, information, warning, error, critical, none
      • Mekorma defaults to error
  4. Pop Up Information Settings defaults to turn on Show Registration and Config Error Sync Notes
    • This shows a warning if the product licenses are expired, or a configuration record is missing

The next pages will explain how to configure each Provider tab.

Last modified: February 10, 2023

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