Please note, viewing payment details is optional. You can approve or Reject payments without drilling into them. But if you would like to see the voucher details or the attached invoice images, this is the way to do it.

If MEM is installed and enabled, the Entity ID will appear on the main screen of the Power Approvals app. You can filter the payments by entering the Entity ID in the search box.

First, click on the drop-down for an individual payment:

The payment detail screen will list all vouchers that make up that payment. In this example there is only one voucher for this payment.

If you’d like to see the transaction detail typed in Dynamics GP for an individual voucher, click on a hyperlinked voucher number to open the Voucher Detail screen:

If a voucher has an invoice attached to it, that can be viewed by clicking on the attachment icon. Please note, invoices in PDF and image formats will be accessible in the PowerApprovals app. For optimal performance, please limit file attachments to 5mb or less. Larger files may cause disruptions and should be avoided.

Notice on the screen below, there is a drop-down list that shows the name of the attachment you are viewing. If your transaction has multiple attachments, you can shift from one to the other using the drop-down list.

Once you have looked at what you want and are back on the detail screen, you decide whether to select for Approval or Rejection, or just go back to the payment list. If you check the box at the bottom of the screen, it mark that payment and automatically bring you back to the Approval list to either reject or approve.

Last modified: June 19, 2023

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