- Issues Fixed in September 2019 release (x78.10)
Mekorma Payment Hub (MICR)
- Identified and fixed an issue by which an intermittent network disconnection from SQL Server database server may cause session ID to change, causing errors in Table Maintenance or application registration errors.
- Fixed Payment Hub issue that allowed transactions to be added to approved MEM decentralized batches. Payment Hub will now test decentralized entities to evaluate the batch availability. If the batch is not available, the entity is unmarked and a warning is presented.
- Fixed an issue causing Table Maintenance to display companies as requiring upgrade, even after all table upgrades have been completed.
- Fixed the following issue: when Blank Checks were printed and set to more than 1 check, subsequent checks were not printing.
- When using the Task-Based security model, in the Approve ‘By Batch’ view, all batches that have transactions needing approval will now appear.
- When using Legacy User Based Security (legacy), the Batch Number now appears in the message ‘Batch xxx Approval request processed’.
- On the Mekorma Approval List, users are now able to sort transactions by Status as long as System Table Upgrade has been run.
Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments (MEEP)
- The MEEP Vendor is now excluded from available vendors when creating a check payment batch within the Build Payment Batch window. The MEEP vendor is paid via electronic funds transfer so should not be included in a check batch.
- Fixed an issue that caused the first check number to skip by 1 when using Payment Hub in combination with Enhanced Electronic Payments.
- Vendor enrollment status has been clarified in the Vendor Enrollment Status window. A vendor can have one of the three following enrollment statuses:
- Enrolled: The vendor’s information is sent and maintained by the ePayment service. Payments are processed by the service unless the processing type is set to Local.
- Pending: The vendor’s information will be sent to the ePayment system either overnight, or next time the Send Vendor Master button in the Utilities module is clicked. Payments to this vendor are processed locally using GP or MICR functionality until the vendor information has been updated.
- Excluded: The vendor’s information is not sent to the ePayment service, and payments to this vendor are processed locally.
- The processing type is also indicated for each vendor:
- Local: Payments are processed locally using standard Dynamics GP/ Mekorma MICR functionality. Payment information is not sent to the ePayment service.
- Vcard: The vendor will be paid by a virtual credit card issued by the MEEP Vendor.
- Check: The vendor will be paid with a check generated and mailed by the ePayment service.
- EFT: The vendor will be paid by an EFT (ACH) emailed by the ePayment service.
- Payments made by Enhanced Electronic Payments will be excluded from the Positive Pay files generated by Dynamics GP.
- ACH and Positive Pay files generated by the ePayment service will be placed in subfolders organized by checkbook within the ePayment Integration Base folder.
- A customizable Comment Line and User Defined fields have been added to the headers for payment information sent to the ePayment service. Allows users to adjust the payment information sent to the service.
- Product Manager
- Table Upgrade will now skip any company whose database does not exist on the server.
- Fixed performance issue upon login or switching companies; no longer checks for stubs migration/upgrade each time. Removed double execution of Startup_After in MEP dictionary.
- Mekorma Payment Hub (MICR)
- Users will no longer receive the error message ‘MMM does not support checkbooks with EFT Remittance Option set to use Report Writer’ when ‘Omit $0 checks in Payables’ is marked in Mekorma MICR System and the checkbook is set up to use Report Writer remittance.
- Fixed the error ‘The user does not have the Purchasing Task ID assigned’ message when printing blank checks with security set to Legacy > User Based.
- With MEM Decentralized Payroll, PDF copies now print all entities processed.
- Payroll employee ID and name will print even if the HR component is not installed.
- Can now re-request authorization for batch previously cancelled after being authorized.
- Print_Cfg_Paytoll_Checks_to_File procedure will no longer point to old table ME_Check_Setup, preventing MEM from displaying the MICR line; now directs to new ME_Pay_Check_Setup table.
- Fixed “No checks to print” error when running Payroll containing direct deposit transactions.
- All approved transactions now display in approval emails.
- Fields have been adjusted to not appear in the Mekorma Security Setup window if it is stretched too large.
- Moving the check number string in the Mekorma MICR Checkbook Setup window by using the shift left and shift right buttons was not saving.
- Rejection reason was not showing in the MICR Reject report when rejecting the payment in the Mekorma Status List by opening the drill down window, selecting a vendor and clicking reject, when using Task-Based Security.
- Email notification was not sent out when rejecting one or more transactions from the Mekorma Approval List when using Task Based Security.
- The Enhanced Net Check Amount field now prints the actual amount of the voucher being paid by the check. The field subtracts terms discounts and write-offs from the voucher amount and shows credit memos as negatives.
- GP Shortcuts now directing to new Mekorma windows.
- Authorization password validation issues fixed.
- Comments now print on Blank Checks.
- In the Mekorma Checkbook Maintenance window, when the MOD 9 check digit feature is used a leading zero is no longer added to the GP next check number.
- EFT payments using EFT numbers no longer print with unexpected leading zeros.
- Fixed the error ‘Mekorma MICR can’t run until you create tables…’ when opening MICR windows, even though the company has been upgraded.
- If two approvers are assigned using Task-Based security, the first approver is no longer able to approve the batch a second time in the Batch Approval window.
- User with proper security role permissions can access the Mekorma Registration page, instead of only those with admin role.
- Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments (MEEP)
- When a virtual card batch is returned from the electronic payment process, it will now show in the Post Batches area of the Multi-Batch Management Action Board
- Making changes to the Remit To or Primary Address fields in Vendor Maintenance for a company that is not configured with MEEP does not cause the changes to be written to the MEEP_Vendor_Changes_Pending table for that company.
- No longer receiving duplicate key error when making changes in the Vendor Combiner and Modifier window, after changing either the Remit to or Primary Address fields in Vendor Maintenance.
- Fixed unhandled script exception error when posting a payables batch in the Series Post window, in a company not configured for MEEP.
- ePayments that were unable to transmit because the system was offline are no longer shown as available to post.
- Removed ePayment table error, received when a check was printed using GP in a company that had disabled Mekorma printing.
- Modified the batch number creation process when using Multi-Entity Management with Multi-Batch Management to correct the issue of not having enough character length in a batch name.
- User with AP Clerk, MEEP clerk and MICR clerk roles are now able to print/transmit an ePayment.
- ePayment check numbers now match those in GP after the ePayment has been submitted.
- Clicking on a vendor when creating a batch in the Edit Payables Cheque Batch window no longer gives an error.
- Multi-Batch Management (MMM)
- When a batch was deselected on the MMM Action Board, additional information was not being shown
- MMM company setup table is now created when Table Maintenance is run.
- User with AP Clerk, MEEP clerk and MICR clerk roles were not able to print/transmit an ePayment.
- When using split batch and building EFT batches using MMM, they no longer print with check number instead of EFT number.
- MEM Integration
- The Internet User Defined 1 and 2 fields will now populate for either the MEM Centralized or MEM Decentralized categories.
- MICR split batch is now assigned with MEM Entity ID.
- Resolved inability to access MICR_REJECT batch because it was not assigned a MEM entity.
- Modified the batch number creation process when using MEM Decentralized process with MMM, to correct the issue of not having enough character length in a batch name.
- Fixed issue with applied credit memos in History. The Facility Name field now contains the correct legal name for the credit memo.
- GP Web Client Integration
- Task-Based fields no longer overlap if the screen is expanded and then contracted.
- Task-Based fields no longer overlap if the screen is expanded and then contracted.
Last modified:
January 14, 2021
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