Mekorma Payment Hub (compatible with GP2013, 2015, 2016, 2018)

  • Improved performance as the system no longer automatically retrieves registration keys during GP startup and no longer validates keys when printing.
  • After Mekorma installation, it is recommended to login as user sa or a user with database sysadmin rights to run table upgrade. The table upgrade message will only prompt for user ‘sa’ or system administrator if an upgrade is needed.
  • If invalid, expired or all empty keys are detected upon logging in to GP, the registration error message will only display for user ‘sa’ (system administrator.)
  • Optimized Table Maintenance to improve performance during login, switching companies and opening the Table Maintenance window.
  • Payment Hub expanded integration with Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management for centralized and decentralized payments.
  • Payment Inquiry Zoom function was added for Payroll, Canadian Payroll, Transaction Check and Miscellaneous Check in the Audit Detail Log.
  • Added an explanation on how to correct the issue when receiving the following warning message: ‘Check number length does not match MICR setup.’
  • Added an explanation of how to switch from Task-Based to Legacy Security on the Mekorma Security Setup window.
  • The option to opt out of Mekorma Miscellaneous Checks has been moved. Go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup > System > MICR System Options window > Additional > Mekorma MICR – MISC Chks OptOut. This opens a new window that allows you to opt out by company.
  • In the Mekorma Approval navigation list a new section, Payment Voucher, has been created. The window will show the Payment, Vendor and Amount in one list. A second list shows all vouchers that make up the payment.
  • The Mekorma minor build number is now shown in the About window.
  • Added an info icon on the Mekorma User Preferences, to the right of the Signature File field.
  • Task-based security changes:
    • The Mekorma Security Setup window opens with the companies collapsed – Users can expand/collapse by double-clicking on the company’s name. This process is explained at the bottom of the window.
    • Added warning message ‘Not all required fields have been entered’ when attempting to save incomplete configuration in the Mekorma Security Setup window.
    • Added instructions on how to switch to Legacy Security in the Legacy V. Task ID Security information box.
    • Added the disable ‘Print Blank Checks’ option to the Security Setup window.
    • When switching security models to either Task-Based or Legacy when a company has incomplete workflow transactions, users will get a message asking if workflow records should be removed. The records will not be removed until the user clicks on ‘Save.’
    • Removed the Look-Up and Delete buttons from the signature file in the Mekorma User Preferences window (found in GP User Preferences > Additional).
    • Changed message when using Legacy security to ‘Mekorma User Preferences is only available under the Task-Based Security model.’ (found in User Preferences > Additional > Mekorma User Preferences)
    • Default signature now prints on split batches that require approval.
    • When using Vendor Class Security with threshold, approval is based on transaction. For each transaction, it first looks to the threshold assigned to vendor class. If not assigned, it uses the threshold assigned to the checkbook.
    • Authorization complete email is sent to requestor if the request is canceled from the Mekorma Batch Status List and then re-requested. Please verify the Mekorma User Preferences are set for the requestor to receive the email.
    • Resolved issues with Authorization Password Validation for User2 field.
    • Added text notifications option for batch approval process.
    • Threshold Maintenance allows selection of either a User ID signature or a Signature file (not assigned to a User ID). The Signature Lookup has been modified to allow Users or Signatures to be selected in the Threshold Lookup window.
    • Added the ability to import a signature to the Signature Library by clicking on the ‘New’ button in the Signature Assignment window.
    • The ‘By Batch’ view on the Mekorma Approval List is now supported.
    • Rejection reason is shown in the MICR Reject report when: the batch is rejected using the drill down in the Mekorma Status list; the rejection is made in the Mekorma Approval List.
    • Modified the label in Threshold Maintenance from ‘Enable Signatures Only for this Threshold’ to ‘Enable Signatures Only for this Threshold ID’ for clarification.
    • Modified the Default Signatures label to reflect that signatures can be set up for thresholds or users.
    • The size of the Signature field was increased to accommodate 45 characters in the Threshold Maintenance window.
    • Added a Task Reminder when launching GP for pending approvals. NOTE: Reminders must be enabled in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
    • When using the split batch feature with MEM integration, the split batch is assigned the same entity as its original batch.

Mekorma Payment Hub for Dynamics GP October 2019 release (18.2)

  • Transaction Long Description supported.

Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments

  • Mekorma has introduced the ePayment credit model.
  • The Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window allows the user to see the status and the current balance of all the virtual cards issued.
    • Filters allow the user to narrow down the list by status (Issued, Used, Drained and Voided), by Checkbook ID, Payment Date, Vendor ID, Expiration Date and Remaining Balance.
    • Total Amount, Total Outstanding and Total Pending (card swipes that have been settled but not yet pulled by the virtual card company) are shown at the bottom of the screen for all the cards displayed, along with the amount of the Credit Line. With each card, the user will be able to zoom to the Payment Number to see the invoices that were paid with this virtual card and, when appropriate, to the MEEP Vendor Payment when the card settled.
    • The user can Void a newly issued card, before it has been used, by highlighting it and clicking on Actions > Void. Voiding a card in the credit model voids the corresponding Vendor Payment and MEEP vendor voucher. Only unused cards can be voided. The Void action cancels the virtual card.
    • The Amount Used column will reflect the dollar amount that has been used of the original amount. If an outstanding amount will not be used by the vendor, it can be written off and that amount credited back. This is done by highlighting the card with a partial amount used, clicking on Actions > Writeoff. The user will be prompted to select an existing or create a new batch in the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Remainder Writeoff window, process, then post the batch. This generates a credit memo to the MEEP Vendor.
    • New Payments need to be entered at the end of the credit period by clicking on the ‘New Payments’ button at the top of the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management screen (A reminder may be added to the GP reminders, or an automatic email may be sent by a scheduled task). The user will be prompted to select an existing or create a new Payment Batch and process it. A payment transaction will be created for the total amount of the virtual cards that have settled during the period and apply records will be created for each virtual card. This will link the payment to the Voucher created against the MEEP Vendor when that virtual card was processed. The user will then be prompted to Post the payment batch, if that option is selected on the New Payment window.
  • If a batch fails to send to transmit, user now receives the message ‘An unexpected error occurred when sending batch for electronic processing, please confirm status on the portal. One or more errors occurred.’
  • Added the ability to process Positive Pay files for ePayment checks.
  • Added ePayment status message to the MMM Post Process Results Report.
  • Added the ability to support multiple checkbooks within a single GP database. Checkbooks can be setup in the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window.
  • User is no longer prompted to print the remittance before posting an ePayment batch for virtual cards.
  • Users can now void a virtual card payment (if the payment has not been posted) from within the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window.
  • Added message ‘This bank account has already been assigned to different checkbook’ when attempting to change the Remote Bank Account to one that is already assigned in the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window.
  • In the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window, the subdomain name is now read only; the ePayment Access Key has been truncated; and the Remote Bank Account field automatically pulls from the ePayments portal, but can also be manually edited.
  • When a virtual card is written off in the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window, a credit memo is created to the MEEP Vendor. This credit memo is applied to the invoice generated to the MEEP vendor for the virtual card.
  • Virtual card status changes display in the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window when it is manually refreshed.
  • ‘Vendor Default Checkbooks’ section was added to the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window, allowing users to assign a default checkbook for specific payment methods (check, EFT and virtual card payments). This can be integrated with the Mekorma Assign by Checkbook feature, allowing you to build batches by selecting payments by vendor checkbook.
  • The option ‘Send Zero Value Checks’ was added in the ePayment Configuration window. By default, it will remain deselected so that $0 checks will be printed locally (as a remittance) by Mekorma or GP, rather than through ePayment process.
  • Changed the Multi-Batch Management Action Board Post Results Report to show the status of ‘Failed’ if an ePayment failed to send to the electronic payments service.
  • In the Multi-Batch Management Action Board, added the ability to drill down to view the ACH or Positive Pay file by selecting the batch and clicking on the Status Description link.
  • Batches that include an ePayment are shown separately as a split batch in the Mekorma Audit Log.
  • Integration with Multi Entity Management
    • ePayment split batch or virtual card batch is granted with the same entity as the original batch.
    • The Enhanced ePayment Batch Maintenance window only shows the batches that the user has access to in the batch entity.
    • The Enhanced ePayment File Owner Maintenance window allows to change file owner only if the new owner has access to the entity to which the file is tied.
  • Two new windows have been created on the Mekorma Area Page > Routines > Payables
    • Enhanced ePayment Batches: Within this window, users can view batch statuses by the following categories:
      • Created (integration files have been created in SQL)
      • Sent (integration files have been transmitted)
        • User can void the batch by clicking Action > Void. This applies to the batches that have been transmitted but are getting a process error in the portal. In this case, user will need to discard the payment on the portal, then also delete the batch in GP.
        • The user needs to ensure that the batch was not processed in the portal before voiding a batch.
      • Processed (sent payments have been processed and returned to GP)
        • Processed files will allow the user to drill into the batches and post.
      • Failed (batch fails to transmit for any reason)
        • A failed batch can be voided in GP by clicking Action > Void.
      • Posted (ePayment batch posted)
        • For a virtual card batch, the original batch will automatically be posted after the Vcard batch is posted
      • Abandoned (the batch will be removed from GP)
    • Enhanced ePayment File Owner Maintenance: The main purpose of this window is to assign batches that are in ‘Sent’ status to other GP users, to be processed when the batch owner is away or on PTO.

Multi-Batch Management (MMM)

  • Added Payment Method, Sub Total and Status fields to the Multi-Batch Management Post Process Results report.
  • Added the ability to see the next check number in Multi-Batch Management Action Board Process Checks and EFTs area, by selecting the batch then clicking on the info button next to the Checkbook ID.
  • When ‘Generate EFT Files’ is chosen in MMM Action Board, only checkbooks with EFT transactions will be displayed. Checkbooks showing a $0 batch total will not be listed.
  • In the Multi-Batch Management Action Board, added the ability to set or change the dates on a range of EFTs or SafePay files before generating.

Last modified: January 19, 2021

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