Version 2013 b478 for Dynamics GP 2013 RTM/R2
Release Date: 09/2019

New Features and Significant Changes

Mekorma Payment Hub

  • Improved performance as the system no longer automatically retrieves registration keys during GP startup and no longer validates keys when printing.
    • After Mekorma installation, it is recommended to login as user ‘sa’ or a user with database sysadmin rights to run table upgrade. The table upgrade message will only prompt for user ‘sa’ or system administrator if an upgrade is needed.
    • If invalid, expired or all empty keys are detected upon logging in to GP, the registration error message will only display for user ‘sa’ (system administrator.)
  • Optimized Table Maintenance to improve performance during login, switching companies and opening the Table Maintenance window.
  • Payment Hub expanded integration with Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management for centralized and decentralized payments.
  • Payment Inquiry Zoom function was added for Payroll, Canadian Payroll, Transaction Check and Miscellaneous Check in the Audit Detail Log.
  • Added an explanation on how to correct the issue when receiving the following warning message: ‘Check number length does not match MICR setup.’
  • Added an explanation of how to switch from Task-Based to Legacy Security on the Mekorma Security Setup window.
  • The option to opt out of Mekorma Miscellaneous Checks has been moved. Go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup > System > MICR System Options window > Additional > Mekorma MICR – MISC Chks OptOut. This opens a new window that allows you to opt out by company.
  • In the Mekorma Approval navigation list a new section, ‘Payment Voucher’, has been created. The window will show the Payment, Vendor and Amount in one list. A second list shows all vouchers that make up the payment.
  • The Mekorma minor build number is now shown in the About window.
  • Added an info icon on the Mekorma User Preferences, to the right of the Signature File field.

Task-Based Security

  • The Mekorma Security Setup window opens with the companies collapsed – Users can expand/collapse by double-clicking on the company’s name. This process is explained at the bottom of the window.
  • Added warning message ‘Not all required fields have been entered’ when attempting to save incomplete configuration in the Mekorma Security Setup window.
  • Added instructions on how to switch to Legacy Security in the Legacy V. Task ID Security information box.
  • Added the disable ‘Print Blank Checks’ option to the Security Setup window.
  • When switching security models to either Task-Based or Legacy when a company has incomplete workflow transactions, users will get a message asking if workflow records should be removed. The records will not be removed until the user clicks on ‘Save.’
  • Removed the Look-Up and Delete buttons from the signature file in the Mekorma User Preferences window (found in GP User Preferences > Additional).
  • Changed message when using Legacy security to ‘Mekorma User Preferences is only available under the Task-Based Security model.’ (found in User Preferences > Additional > Mekorma User Preferences)
  • Default signature now prints on split batches that require approval.
  • When using Vendor Class Security with threshold, approval is based on transaction. For each transaction, it first looks to the threshold assigned to vendor class. If not assigned, it uses the threshold assigned to the checkbook.
  • Authorization complete email is sent to requestor if the request is canceled from the Mekorma Batch Status List and then re-requested. Please verify the Mekorma User Preferences are set for the requestor to receive the email.
  • Resolved issues with Authorization Password Validation for User2 field.
  • Added text notifications option for batch approval process.
  • Threshold Maintenance allows selection of either a User ID signature or a Signature file (not assigned to a User ID). The Signature Lookup has been modified to allow Users or Signatures to be selected in the Threshold Lookup window.
  • Added the ability to import a signature to the Signature Library by clicking on the ‘New’ button in the Signature Assignment window.
  • The ‘By Batch’ view on the Mekorma Approval List is now supported.
  • Rejection reason is shown in the MICR Reject report when: the batch is rejected using the drill down in the Mekorma Status list; the rejection is made in the Mekorma Approval List.
  • Modified the label in Threshold Maintenance from ‘Enable Signatures Only for this Threshold’ to ‘Enable Signatures Only for this Threshold ID’ for clarification.
  • Modified the Default Signatures label to reflect that signatures can be set up for thresholds or users.
  • The size of the Signature field was increased to accommodate 45 characters in the Threshold Maintenance window.
  • Added a Task Reminder when launching GP for pending approvals. NOTE: Reminders must be enabled in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  • When using the split batch feature with MEM integration, the split batch is assigned the same entity as its original batch.

Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments

Mekorma has introduced the ePayment credit model. In the credit model, the virtual card company offers a no-cost line of credit to the client. Unlike the pre-funded ePayment model, no money is pulled from the client’s bank account when the virtual cards are issued. The status of all the virtual cards that have changed during the day (typically cards swiped) will be reported nightly. The virtual card company will automatically transfer payment from the client’s account for settled cards, on a regular basis.

  • The *Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management *window allows the user to see the status and the current balance of all the virtual cards issued.
    • Filters allow the user to narrow down the list by status (Issued, Used, Drained and Voided), by Checkbook ID, Payment Date, Vendor ID, Expiration Date and Remaining Balance.
    • Total Amount, Total Outstanding and Total Pending (card swipes that have been settled but not yet pulled by the virtual card company) are shown at the bottom of the screen for all the cards displayed, along with the amount of the Credit Line. With each card, the user will be able to zoom to the Payment Number to see the invoices that were paid with this virtual card and, when appropriate, to the MEEP Vendor Payment when the card settled.
    • The user can Void a newly issued card, before it has been used, by highlighting it and clicking on Actions > Void. Voiding a card in the credit model voids the corresponding Vendor Payment and MEEP vendor voucher. Only unused cards can be voided. The Void action cancels the virtual card.
    • The Amount Used column will reflect the dollar amount that has been used of the original amount. If an outstanding amount will not be used by the vendor, it can be written off and that amount credited back. This is done by highlighting the card with a partial amount used, clicking on Actions > Writeoff. The user will be prompted to select an existing or create a new batch in the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Remainder Writeoff window, process, then post the batch. This generates a credit memo to the MEEP Vendor.
    • New Payments need to be entered at the end of the credit period by clicking on the ‘New Payments’ button at the top of the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management screen (A reminder may be added to the GP reminders, or an automatic email may be sent by a scheduled task). The user will be prompted to select an existing or create a new Payment Batch and process it. A payment transaction will be created for the total amount of the virtual cards that have settled during the period and apply records will be created for each virtual card. This will link the payment to the Voucher created against the MEEP Vendor when that virtual card was processed. The user will then be prompted to Post the payment batch, if that option is selected on the New Payment window.
  • If a batch fails to send to transmit, user now receives the message ‘An unexpected error occurred when sending batch for electronic processing, please confirm status on the portal. One or more errors occurred.’
  • Added the ability to process Positive Pay files for ePayment checks.
  • Added ePayment status message to the MMM Post Process Results Report.
  • Added the ability to support multiple checkbooks within a single GP database. Checkbooks can be setup in the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window.
  • User is no longer prompted to print the remittance before posting an ePayment batch for virtual cards.
  • Users can now void a virtual card payment (if the payment has not been posted) from within the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window.
  • Added message ‘This bank account has already been assigned to different checkbook’ when attempting to change the Remote Bank Account to one that is already assigned in the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window.
  • In the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window, the subdomain name is now read only; the ePayment Access Key has been truncated; and the Remote Bank Account field automatically pulls from the ePayments portal, but can also be manually edited.
  • When a virtual card is written off in the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window, a credit memo is created to the MEEP Vendor. This credit memo is applied to the invoice generated to the MEEP vendor for the virtual card.
  • Virtual card status changes display in the Enhanced ePayment Vcard Management window when it is manually refreshed.
  • ‘Vendor Default Checkbooks’ section was added to the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window, allowing users to assign a default checkbook for specific payment methods (check, EFT and virtual card payments). This can be integrated with the Mekorma Assign by Checkbook feature, allowing you to build batches by selecting payments by vendor checkbook.
  • The option ‘Send Zero Value Checks’ was added in the ePayment Configuration window. By default, it will remain deselected so that $0 checks will be printed locally (as a remittance) by Mekorma or GP, rather than through ePayment process.
  • Changed the Multi-Batch Management Action Board Post Results Report to show the status of ‘Failed’ if an ePayment failed to send to the electronic payments service.
  • In the Multi-Batch Management Action Board, added the ability to drill down to view the ACH or Positive Pay file by selecting the batch and clicking on the Status Description link.
  • Batches that include an ePayment are shown separately as a split batch in the Mekorma Audit Log.
  • Integration with Multi Entity Management
    • ePayment split batch or virtual card batch is granted with the same entity as the original batch.
    • The Enhanced ePayment Batch Maintenance window only shows the batches that the user has access to in the batch entity.
    • The Enhanced ePayment File Owner Maintenance window allows to change file owner only if the new owner has access to the entity to which the file is tied.
  • Two new windows had been created on the Mekorma Area Page > Routines > Payables
    1. Enhanced ePayment Batches: Within this window, users can view batch statuses by the following categories:
      • Created (integration files have been created in SQL)
      • Sent (integration files have been transmitted)
        • User can void the batch by clicking Action > Void. This applies to the batches that have been transmitted but are getting a process error in the portal. In this case, user will need to discard the payment on the portal, then also delete the batch in GP.
        • The user needs to ensure that the batch was not processed in the portal before voiding a batch.
      • Processed (sent payments have been processed and returned to GP)
        • Processed files will allow the user to drill into the batches and post.
      • Failed (batch fails to transmit for any reason)
        • A failed batch can be voided in GP by clicking Action > Void.
      • Posted (ePayment batch posted)
        • For a virtual card batch, the original batch will automatically be posted after the Vcard batch is posted
      • Abandoned (the batch will be removed from GP)
    2. Enhanced ePayment File Owner Maintenance: The main purpose of this window is to assign batches that are in ‘Sent’ status to other GP users, to be processed when the batch owner is away or on PTO.

Multi-Batch Management (MMM)

  • Added Payment Method, Sub Total and Status fields to the Multi-Batch Management Post Process Results report.
  • Added the ability to see the next check number in Multi-Batch Management Action Board Process Checks and EFTs area, by selecting the batch then clicking on the info button next to the Checkbook ID.
  • When ‘Generate EFT Files’ is chosen in MMM Action Board, only checkbooks with EFT transactions will be displayed. Checkbooks showing a $0 batch total will not be listed.
  • In the Multi-Batch Management Action Board, added the ability to set or change the dates on a range of EFTs or SafePay files before generating.

Issues Fixed

Product Manager

  • Table Upgrade will now skip any company whose database does not exist on the server.
  • Fixed performance issue upon login or switching companies; no longer checks for stubs migration/upgrade each time. Removed double execution of Startup_After in MEP dictionary.

Mekorma MICR

  • Users will no longer receive the error message ‘MMM does not support checkbooks with EFT Remittance Option set to use Report Writer’ when ‘Omit $0 checks in Payables’ is marked in Mekorma MICR System and the checkbook is set up to use Report Writer remittance.
  • Fixed the error ‘The user does not have the Purchasing Task ID assigned’ message when printing blank checks with security set to Legacy > User Based.
  • With MEM Decentralized Payroll, PDF copies now print all entities processed.
  • Payroll employee ID and name will print even if the HR component is not installed.
  • Can now re-request authorization for batch previously cancelled after being authorized.
  • Print_Cfg_Paytoll_Checks_to_File procedure will no longer point to old table ME_Check_Setup, preventing MEM from displaying the MICR line; now directs to new ME_Pay_Check_Setup table.
  • Fixed “No checks to print” error when running Payroll containing direct deposit transactions.
  • All approved transactions now display in approval emails.
  • Fields have been adjusted to not appear in the Mekorma Security Setup window if it is stretched too large.
  • Moving the check number string in the Mekorma MICR Checkbook Setup window by using the shift left and shift right buttons was not saving.
  • Rejection reason was not showing in the MICR Reject report when rejecting the payment in the Mekorma Status List by opening the drill down window, selecting a vendor and clicking reject, when using Task-Based Security.
  • Email notification was not sent out when rejecting one or more transactions from the Mekorma Approval List when using Task Based Security.
  • The Enhanced Net Check Amount field now prints the actual amount of the voucher being paid by the check. The field subtracts terms discounts and write-offs from the voucher amount and shows credit memos as negatives.
  • GP Shortcuts now directing to new Mekorma windows.
  • Authorization password validation issues fixed.
  • Comments now print on Blank Checks.
  • In the Mekorma Checkbook Maintenance window, when the MOD 9 check digit feature is used a leading zero is no longer added to the GP next check number.
  • EFT payments using EFT numbers no longer print with unexpected leading zeros.
  • Fixed the error ‘Mekorma MICR can’t run until you create tables…’ when opening MICR windows, even though the company has been upgraded.
  • If two approvers are assigned using Task-Based security, the first approver is no longer able to approve the batch a second time in the Batch Approval window.
  • User with proper security role permissions can access the Mekorma Registration page, instead of only those with admin role.

Web Client

  • Task-Based fields no longer overlap if the screen is expanded and then contracted

Multi-Batch Management (MMM)

  • When a batch was deselected on the MMM Action Board, additional information was not being shown
  • MMM company setup table is now created when Table Maintenance is run.
  • User with AP Clerk, MEEP clerk and MICR clerk roles were not able to print/transmit an ePayment.
  • When using split batch and building EFT batches using MMM, they no longer print with check number instead of EFT number.

MEM Integration

  • The Internet User Defined 1 and 2 fields will now populate for either the MEM Centralized or MEM Decentralized categories.
  • MICR split batch is now assigned with MEM Entity ID.
  • Resolved inability to access MICR_REJECT batch because it was not assigned a MEM entity.
  • Modified the batch number creation process when using MEM Decentralized process with MMM, to correct the issue of not having enough character length in a batch name.
  • Fixed issue with applied credit memos in History. The Facility Name field now contains the correct legal name for the credit memo.

Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments

  • When a virtual card batch is returned from the electronic payment process, it will now show in the Post Batches area of the Multi-Batch Management Action Board
  • Making changes to the Remit To or Primary Address fields in Vendor Maintenance for a company that is not configured with MEEP does not cause the changes to be written to the MEEP_Vendor_Changes_Pending table for that company.
  • No longer receiving duplicate key error when making changes in the Vendor Combiner and Modifier window, after changing either the Remit to or Primary Address fields in Vendor Maintenance.
  • Fixed unhandled script exception error when posting a payables batch in the Series Post window, in a company not configured for MEEP.
  • ePayments that were unable to transmit because the system was offline are no longer shown as available to post.
  • Removed ePayment table error, received when a check was printed using GP in a company that had disabled Mekorma printing.
  • Modified the batch number creation process when using Multi-Entity Management with Multi-Batch Management to correct the issue of not having enough character length in a batch name.
  • User with AP Clerk, MEEP clerk and MICR clerk roles are now able to print/transmit an ePayment.
  • ePayment check numbers now match those in GP after the ePayment has been submitted.
  • Clicking on a vendor when creating a batch in the Edit Payables Cheque Batch window no longer gives an error.

Hotfixes as of September 20, 2019

Issues Fixed

  • Identified and fixed an issue by which an intermittent network disconnection from SQL Server database server may cause session ID to change, causing errors in Table Maintenance or application registration errors.
  • Fixed Payment Hub issue that allowed transactions to be added to approved MEM decentralized batches. Payment Hub will now test decentralized entities to evaluate the batch availability. If the batch is not available, the entity is unmarked and a warning is presented.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the first check number to skip by 1 when using Payment Hub in combination with Enhanced Electronic Payments.
  • Fixed an issue causing Table Maintenance to display companies as requiring upgrade, even after all table upgrades have been completed.
  • Fixed the following issue: when Blank Checks were printed and set to more than 1 check, subsequent checks were not printing.
  • When using the Task-Based security model, in the Approve ‘By Batch’ view, all batches that have transactions needing approval will now appear.
  • When using Legacy User Based Security (legacy), the Batch Number now appears in the message ‘Batch xxx Approval request processed’.
  • On the Mekorma Approval List, users are now able to sort transactions by Status as long as System Table Upgrade has been run.
  • The MEEP Vendor is now excluded from available vendors when creating a check payment batch within the Build Payment Batch window. The MEEP vendor is paid via electronic funds transfer so should not be included in a check batch.
  • Vendor enrollment status has been clarified in the Vendor Enrollment Status window. A vendor can have one of the three following enrollment statuses:
    • Enrolled: The vendor’s information is sent and maintained by the ePayment service. Payments are processed by the service unless the processing type is set to Local.
    • Pending: The vendor’s information will be sent to the ePayment system either overnight, or next time the Send Vendor Master button in the Utilities module is clicked. Payments to this vendor are processed locally using GP or MICR functionality until the vendor information has been updated.
    • Excluded: The vendor’s information is not sent to the ePayment service, and payments to this vendor are processed locally.
  • The processing type is also indicated for each vendor:
    • Local: Payments are processed locally using standard Dynamics GP/ Mekorma MICR functionality. Payment information is not sent to the ePayment service.
    • Vcard: The vendor will be paid by a virtual credit card issued by the MEEP Vendor.
    • Check: The vendor will be paid with a check generated and mailed by the ePayment service.
    • EFT: The vendor will be paid by an EFT (ACH) emailed by the ePayment service.
  • Payments made by Enhanced Electronic Payments will be excluded from the Positive Pay files generated by Dynamics GP.
  • ACH and Positive Pay files generated by the ePayment service will be placed in subfolders organized by checkbook within the ePayment Integration Base folder.
  • A customizable Comment Line and User Defined fields have been added to the headers for payment information sent to the ePayment service. Allows users to adjust the payment information sent to the service.

Version 2013 b476R2 for Dynamics GP 2013 RTM/R2/2018 Year-End Updates
Release Date: 04/2019

New Features and Significant Changes

  • If there is only a single instance of GP installed, the Mekorma Payment Hub installer will automatically select that instance.
  • Compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2, and 2018 Year-End Updates.
  • Compatible with Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management: 14.00.506s11, 16.00.601s05, 18.00.(all builds).
  • Table Maintenance upgrade results can be exported into an Excel format.
  • ‘Payment Number’ zoom capability was added to the Mekorma MICR Audit Detail Log window, which opens two windows: the MICR Audit Inquiry for Payables Payments Zoom window and the Mekorma Check Image Archive window.
  • Users can drill down to the voucher originally created for the virtual credit card (VCARD) vendor in the Payables Apply Zoom window.

Task-Based Security

  • Supports password authorization for transaction, miscellaneous, payroll and Canadian payroll checks
  • New option supports sorting checks into threshold groups in the Mekorma Threshold Maintenance window
  • Users can now choose whether to apply security settings to EFT and Direct Deposit
  • ‘Cancel Request Approval’ cancels the approved status, and sets the batch status to ‘OPEN FOR EDITING’ in the Mekorma MICR Batch Status list
  • When using Authorization – authorizer columns were added to the Mekorma MICR Audit Log Report window; added the ability to zoom in to see Approvers for each payment in the Mekorma MICR Audit Detail Log. Note: For any batch that requires more than one Approver, ‘Multiple’ will display in approver column
  • Default display set to ‘My Specific Transactions’ instead of ‘All Transactions’
  • Added split batch message when clicking ‘Request Approval’ at the Print Payables Checks, Select Checks or Mekorma Batch Status List window
  • Added dollar amount to the Approval Notification email
  • Users can enter a reason when rejecting a batch approval
  • Email notification is now sent to the authorizer when batch authorization is requested, and to the requestor after authorization is completed
  • Switching between task-based and legacy security now prompts the message ‘To complete the change, log-out and back-in to Microsoft Dynamics GP’
  • In Threshold Maintenance window, if Approver 2 task ID is entered without having Approver 1 task ID being selected, the system will automatically move it to Approver 1 column
  • In the Transaction Approval list, added the ability to zoom into the Payable Transaction Entry by double clicking the Payment Number or clicking the link at the bottom of the page

Multi-Batch Management (MMM)

  • Users can see the ACH file name generated by the ePayment process in the Posting section of the Multi-Batch Management Action Board by clicking on the ‘more information’ arrow in the upper-right corner.

Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments

  • Changed wording in Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments Qualification window: when right clicking on a company, menu option now reads ‘Reset Selected Company’.
  • Added ‘OK’ button to close the Enhanced ePayment Qualification window.

Issues Fixed

  • Users will no longer receive the error message ‘MMM does not support checkbooks with EFT Remittance Option set to use Report Writer’ when ‘Omit $0 checks in Payables’ is marked in Mekorma MICR System and the checkbook is set up to use Report Writer remittance.
  • With MEM Decentralized Payroll, PDF copies now print all entities processed.
  • Payroll employee ID and name will print even if the HR component is not installed.
  • Table Upgrade will now skip any company whose database does not exist on the server.
  • Can now re-request authorization for batch previously cancelled after being authorized.
  • Print_Cfg_Paytoll_Checks_to_File procedure will no longer point to old table ME_Check_Setup, preventing MEM from displaying the MICR line; now directs to new ME_Pay_Check_Setup table.
  • Fixed performance delay upon login or switching companies; no longer checks for stubs migration/upgrade each time. Removed double execution of Startup_After in MEP dictionary.
  • Fixed “No checks to print” error when running Payroll containing direct deposit transactions.
  • Corrected error that occurred when logging into the system with Print Engine DLL, if using Windows Authentication and SQL logins.
  • When a VCARD batch is returned from the electronic payment process, it will now show in the Post Batches area of the Multi-Batch Management Action Board.

Hotfixes as of April 1, 2019

New Features

  • Improved performance, as the system no longer automatically retrieves registration keys during GP startup and no longer validates keys when printing.
  • Optimized Table Maintenance to improve performance during login, switching users and opening the Table Maintenance window.
  • Compatibility with GP 2018 Year End Update.


  • Task-Based Security: Resolved issues with Authorization Password Validation for User2 field.
  • Task-Based Security: Removed the Signature lookup and delete buttons from User Preferences, as the signature assignment takes place at the Signature Assignment window.

Issues Fixed

  • MICR: Restored Enhanced Net Check Amount field logic.
  • MICR: Printing checks as a non-sa user produced registration error.
  • MICR: Next check number is not updated correctly with MOD 9 check digit
  • MICR: Payroll batch containing only direct deposits, which are set up as ‘Separate from Checks’, getting error “There are no checks to reprint in the selected range.”
  • MICR: When installing Mekorma for the first time, or when upgrading from an older MICR build, the stub files are not automatically imported into Check Format Library during table upgrade process.
  • MEM: MEM user has no access to MICR_Reject batch after a payment is rejected through workflow process.
  • MEM: MEM Decentralized Payroll only printing PDF copies for the last entity processed.
  • MEM: Changed process for retrieving Entity Legal Name for MEM Decentralized Payables.
  • MEEP: MICR assigning different check numbers than sent to Electronic Payments service.

Version 2013 b475 for Dynamics GP 2013 RTM
Release Date: 09/2018

New Features and Significant Changes

Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments

Mekorma has partnered with ACOM Solutions to deliver turnkey Electronic Payments processing from within Microsoft Dynamics GP. Users can now take advantage of our electronic payments platform to pay suppliers by check, EFT, or virtual credit card from within Dynamics GP. Our payment platform will determine the best payment method that suits each of your vendors, giving you control every step of the way. This is a FREE service to all qualified candidates.

  • Vendors will go through a qualification process using the new Enhanced ePayment Qualification window.
  • After approval, your Microsoft Dynamics GP Administrator will run the configuration wizard via the Enhanced ePayment Configuration window.
  • AP clerks will then process payments via Mekorma MICR to pay suppliers electronically by check, virtual credit card, or electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Enhanced Secure Approval Workflow security model based on Microsoft Dynamics GP security tasks and roles

We have reimagined the way we manage approvals within our product suite. Our new Secure Approval Workflow component integrates Microsoft Dynamics GP security model into the approval process, by allowing administrators to manage multi-level approval thresholds with standard application security tasks and roles.

  • Users can change from Mekorma Legacy Security (defined as: security by Checkbook ID, User ID or None) to the new Task-Based security model from within the Security Setup window at the System level.
  • Within the Threshold ID Maintenance window, users can:
    • Set up or modify threshold ranges
    • Assign approval task IDs to threshold ranges
    • Assign a signature(s) to a threshold range
  • Users are assigned a task approval role ID in the GP Security Access window.
  • With Enhanced Secure Approval Workflow, email addresses are setup in the Mekorma User Preferences window for each approver or signer. The Mekorma User Preferences window can be accessed under Microsoft Dynamics GP User Preferences.
  • Approver signatures are assigned in the Security Assignment window.
  • A Threshold ID can be added to a checkbook using the Mekorma MICR Checkbook Setup window.
  • Mekorma Checkbook Setup window has been consolidated and simplified, offering more intuitive navigation:
    • Settings for Payables, US Payroll, and Canadian Payroll are now configured in the same Mekorma Checkbook Setup window.
    • Configuring the MICR line is now a breeze with the new graphical interface
    • Integration to Mekorma’s Enhanced Secure Approval Workflow
  • Users can access Mekorma MICR Checkbook Setup from the Checkbook Maintenance window via the Additional drop-down menu.
  • Added capability of printing a default signature on checks.
  • On the Mekorma MICR Security Setup window (Legacy security settings at the company level), “Set Security By” was changed to “Set Passwords By,” and “No Security” was changed to “None.” Clients who do not use passwords or workflow security can still print default signatures on checks.
  • The checkbox ‘Enable Assign by Checkbook’ has been added to the System Options window.
  • Fixes to Multi-Entity Management Connector for Payroll.
  • Vendor-based EFT file formats are now supported in Multi-Batch Management.
  • “Copy” button was added to the Process ID Maintenance window.
  • Multi-Batch Management integrates with Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments.
  • Multi-Batch Management integrates with Mekorma Enhanced Secure Approval Workflow.
  • Hotfixes issued for build x70 to support both Windows AD and Azure AD authentication in the Web Client.
  • Delete button added to remove unwanted batches from Web Client print client.
  • A sortable check document number column was added to show the start and end check number of each batch when printing in the Web Client.
  • Batch printing columns are now sortable, allowing the user to modify the printing queue order in the Web Client.

Issues Fixed

  • The ‘Suppress Messages’ checkbox was relocated from the Additional menu in the Registration window to the System Options window.
  • The Check Password window now opens with the following settings applied: Amount Below Lower Threshold, Amount Between Thresholds, and Amount Below Higher Threshold.
  • The system (workstation) date format (dd-mm-yyyy) no longer causes a date-out-of-range message when printing.
  • The multicurrency check archive now shows correct currency symbol when previewed via checkbook register inquiry window.
  • An Earning Statement can now be generated for a payroll batch containing only direct deposits.
  • Changing the check format in the Mekorma Print window now creates the correct PDF copy format.
  • Fixed incorrect display of the Checkbook Register Inquiry on voided checks with duplicate check numbers.
  • Batch error during check printing no longer causes GP to lock up.
  • Refund Check Format is now recognized when printing an EFT refund check.
  • Batch ID will now display for Canadian Payroll test checks in Print Client grid after download over Web Client.
  • Fixed error when overwriting signature file.
  • Signatures now import correctly from the Dynamics GP launch folder.
  • Vendor Class Security works correctly in conjunction with threshold sorting.
  • EFT Remittance Format can no longer be deleted from the Mekorma check format library, if assigned to a checkbook.
  • If a partial payment has been applied to a voucher manually, when the balance is paid, the manual payment amount will now be deducted from the check total at print time.
  • Signatures can now be deleted when security model has been changed and the signature is no longer being used for the new configuration.
  • Audit Log Report is available (within Legacy security settings) for both ‘Security by Checkbook’ and ‘None.’
  • Fixed an error of “There is no check to print” when printing 0 check in remittance form.
  • Safe Pay “Inactive checkbook” message no longer interrupts Multi-Batch Management processing.
  • The “Activate” button has been changed to “Order MMM” in the Multi-Batch Management Setup window. Contact for additional information.

Known Issues

  • After Table Maintenance procedure is run, Microsoft Dynamics GP must be relaunched to refresh Mekorma area page and menus.
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP must be relaunched for change in security model to take effect when switching between Legacy and Task-Based security in the Security Setup window.
  • Unable to reprint checks with Named Printers in the US Payroll module (scheduled to be fixed in a future build).
  • In the Mekorma MICR Checkbook Setup window, if a user clicks on the link which opens the MICR Line Quick Entry window, any changes to positions 58 through 44 will be lost.
  • Split Batches (ex. ‘v’ and ‘_’) are not showing in the Audit Log window in Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments.

Hotfixes as of January 15, 2019

Resolves the Following Issues

  • ALL: Standardized calls to retrieve system database name for multi-tenant environments.
  • MEP: Performance delay upon login or switching companies. Removes double execution of Startup_After in MEP dictionary.
  • MICR: Print PDF copies for all entity checkbooks in payroll run when MEM connector for payroll is active.
  • MICR: MICR line not displaying for some payroll checks when using Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management.
  • MICR: For users on the Web Client using Window authentication only or Windows authentication with SQL logins, communication with the Mekorma Print Engine has been corrected.
  • MICR: “No checks to print” error when running Payroll containing direct deposit transactions.
  • MICR: Enhanced Net Check Amount’ Configurator field logic has been restored to pre-x75 calculation formula.
  • MMM: Issue in MMM preventing crash recovery from firing.
  • MEEP: Fix issue with upgrade not checking for table column before applying data model change.

Version 2013 b460 for Dynamics GP 2013 R2
Release Date: 01/2018

New Features and Significant Changes

  • With this release, we have added the ability to install Mekorma MICR in Silent Mode. For instruction on how to perform a silent installation, please see this knowledge base item from the Mekorma website.
  • Table Maintenance has been significantly re-architected. The following features have been added or revised:
    • The ability to detect whether each company’s tables need to upgraded on an individual basis.
    • The ability to detect that a particular workstation needs to be upgraded.
    • The ability to select specific companies to be’ upgraded. This feature can be particularly helpful if you have many databases to upgrade, or if you have one specific company that needs to process immediately.
      • Any Company not yet upgraded will not be able to process payments.
    • The ability to disable companies for specific Mekorma products.
    • Comprehensive upgrade reporting.
      • Going forward from x60 onward, the upgrade history will now detect and display any database differences on a per table basis.
    • Support for SQL Server Track change
      • Previous to x60, the upgrade failed if Track Changes was enabled. Now there is no need to disable Track Changes for tables that need upgrade. This works if you are coming from builds x58 or greater. However for builds prior to x58 you will still need to disable for this upgrade.
    • Table Maintenance has also been configured to run much faster; starting from builds x60 upgrade processes should take up much less time.
  • We have removed GP Power Tools registration entry fields from the MEP registration window.
  • We have removed MPP registration entry fields from the MEP registration window.
  • Users can now disable the Assign by Checkbook companion window from displaying with the Select Checks window. For further instruction on how to do this, please see this knowledge base item from our website.
  • Microsoft has added a new feature to Dynamics GP 2018 to build payment batches. This feature has been enhanced by Mekorma to allow users to save their Assign by Checkbook settings. For more information on this, please look for our video on Assigning Vouchers by Voucher Checkbook ID for GP 2018, which is scheduled for publishing in January 2018 on the Mekorma Videos Page.
  • Multi-Batch Management’s Progress Control feature is now equipped with pause and resume buttons for all actions in the Multi-Batch Management Action Board. For further instruction on the Progress Control feature, please see this page from the Mekorma website.
    • If Dynamics GP crashes while Multi-Batch Management is processing payments, then you can perform a crash resume with Multi-Batch Management’s Progress Control feature. For more information, please see this page.
  • The activate button has been moved from the Action Board to the Multi-Batch Management Setup window.
  • Multi-Batch Management now automatically saves posting journals with a unique naming convention. If you’d like to learn more, please click the following link to watch a short segment of our instructional video on setting up and using Multi-Batch Management.

Issues Fixed

  • Mekorma MICR causing delays during the processes of logging in and switching companies. This fix was implemented by removing references to the check format path, which were no longer needed during this process.
  • Overflow pages of check archive not populating correctly upon attempts to auto-preview.
  • If you are using the PDF Check Copy archive, PDF check copies will now be created when payments are posted from the Series Post and Master Post windows.
  • Dynamics GP screens showing after switching companies while Multi-Batch Management is processing in Silent Mode.
  • Users being unable to see batches in the Multi-Batch Management Action Board if they have been built by another user.
  • Companies that have been disabled by table maintenance not showing up for processing in the Action Board.
  • Errors when users attempt to select long company names in the Multi-Batch Management Process ID Maintenance window.
  • The Results report showing ‘Check’ for credit card batches.
  • Startup shortcuts causing Multi-Batch Management to crash when switching companies.
  • MEM Decentralized Payables fields (such as Facility Address) not printing successfully on MICR check stubs when using centralized payables processing.
  • After upgrading there no records created in the Mekorma MICR Vendor Class Security (VCS) table. Users had to go to the Vendor Class Security setup window to be able to be able to get this table to populate. This table will now be populated by default after Table Maintenance is completed.
  • Error messages being prompted when a user is trying to save over a check format that already exists.
  • The system failing to validate that there is at least one user who can print checks when Mekorma MICR Security by User ID is implemented.
  • Errors when a user attempts to import check format files with file extensions that are upper case into the Check Format library.
  • Errors using Outlook’s Allow/Deny email capability in conjunction with email remittances. We have implemented a work-around for users that find themselves having issues with this feature. To learn more about this feature and our work-around, please visit this knowledge base item from the Mekorma website.

Hotfixes as of February 15, 2019

Resolves the Following Issues

  • VPS: Fixed issue with Assign by Checkbook check marks displaying when Assign by Checkbook was not installed.
  • VPS: Fixed issue with Assign by Checkbook table update attempting to run pre-login, causing table open operation error.
  • MICR: Compatibility issue fixed for GP 2013 which was removing all transactions from uprWorkChkDesc and uprWorkChkYTD tables when creating work check file.
  • MICR: Fixed issue with payroll concurrency when running multi-user payrolls.
  • MMM: Disable and enable GP action pane during MMM processing to prevent application crash after switching companies multiple times.
  • MMM: Fixed MMM issue preventing proper instrumentation of Safe Pay window.
  • MEP: Fixed issue causing upgrade failure for dates stored in non-US format.

Version 2013 b455 for Dynamics GP 2013 R2
Release Date: 06/2017

New Features

New Features

  • Mekorma Multi-Batch Management now has the ability to interface with Microsoft Dynamics GP SafePay module, thus ascribing to additional bank security offered to check and EFT documents.
  • Mekorma Multi-Batch Management activities will be logged and the information will be transmitted to Mekorma.
  • Added the ability to view and export the Mekorma Multi-Batch Management Activity Log and Billing Log in SmartList to Excel or Word documents.
  • Added a button in Mekorma Multi-Batch Management to Send Activity to Mekorma in the Billing Activity Window.
  • Added the option in Multi-Batch Management Setup to indicate whether a company is used for testing purposes. Checks and EFT files indicate that they were generated within a test company and are not valid.


Installer 5676: Added message reminding users that Anti-virus software may interfere with installation and should be turned off prior to continuing the installation.

  • MEP: Additional items, including Winthrop products, have been added to the Product List in the Mekorma Products Registration window.
  • MEP 4140: Statistic Request reports have been added to gather statistics regarding how customers are using Mekorma products.
  • MMM 4342: If edit list is printed directly through the MMM process to a printer, the line “NoPrintDialogs=TRUE” should be added to the dex.ini file. The flag will avoid the printing dialogue prompting during MMM process.
  • MMM 4438: If named printers are not setup, an error message now appears in the “Process Checks and EFTs” area of the Multi-Batch Management Action Board instead of when the Action Board window opens.
  • MMM 4468: Updated warning message in the Multi-Batch Process Maintenance screen if a checkbook is selected that does not have EFT set up.
  • MMM 4492: Added an indicator ‘*’ to the print report showing that an EFT batch has been posted automatically after printing when the “Post immediately after print” option is selected in the Multi-Batch Options window.
  • MMM 4581: Posting journal validation message occurs only during an action that includes posting, in a company where the posting journal is turned on. MMM 4581: Posting journal validation message occurs only during an action that includes posting, in a company where the posting journal is turned on.
  • MMM 4591: Updated message advising users who have Mekorma MICR Security Setup set to Checkbook, but the checkbook used does not have a Signature ID assigned.
  • MMM 4608: Added message in the Multi-Batch Management Action Board to notify users who have the “Max Check Amount” setup under the Payables Options of Checkbook Maintenance.
  • MMM 4616: Billing Activity screen column descriptions have been updated.
  • MMM 5622: In the Multi-Batch Options window, the dependency has been removed from “Post EFT immediately after Print or Send”, the EFT file will be generated as long as “Generate EFT file after posting” is marked.
  • MMM 5686: Changed the wording in the drop down options for sorting order to “Company Default” in the Multi-Batch Options and the Multi-Batch Management Build Maintenance windows.
  • MMM 5713: The Multi-Batch Management Action Board, Build Payment Batches process is now using the “User date” instead of the “System date” when the Build ID is set to select invoices based on due date.
  • MMM 5724: Changed the behavior in the Multi-Batch Management Action Board to allow the processing of batches that were creating using a checkbook that was later set to inactive.

Issues Fixed

  • MICR 5673: The MEM Connector for Payables is now integrated with Mekorma Voucher Notes (EasyAdd). Sorting descriptions have been added to the MEM Connector for Payables Setup window.
  • MEP 4140: Resolved issue of slow response time when customer was switching companies by updating keys during log in.
  • MICR 5961: Resolved ‘Parameter is missing’ error message that occurred after the .NET Framework 4.7 Windows update (which is generally associated with the Windows 10 Creator update) when opening the Test Check window or adding a check format through the Check Format library.

Version 2013 b415 for Dynamics GP 2013 R2
Release Date: 12/2016


  • MICR 5646: Added notification during upgrade process, reminding users to ensure all signature folders are accessible if they are upgrading from a version where signatures are stored in a folder instead of the database. The notification also explains that the Signature Upgrade Error report and the Check Format Upgrade Error report will walk users through the process to manually import the signatures, stubs, and logos missing at the time of the upgrade.
  • MICR 5705: Added ‘Employer ID Number’ field to support Oregon’s new tax law.

Issues Fixed

  • MICR 4497: Resolved an issue where “.stbx” files were not updated to the new “.stbz” format for the checkbook after upgrading from an older MICR version of GP2010.
  • MICR 4573: Improved the configurator to accept passwords that include special characters.
  • MICR 5637: Fixed the issue where the stub formats were only being imported from one company during the upgrade from GP 2010 B14 with multiple stub paths.
  • MICR 4501: Fixed issue of defaulting MICR security to User Security during upgrade.
  • MICR 5631: Resolved issue of signature images not importing if the file names are duplicated when stored in different folders.
  • MICR 5630: Resolved issue of signature images only importing into one company if the same signature had been used for more than one company.
  • MICR 4508: Improved installer functionality to detect 32 bit and French-Canadian versions of GP instances.
  • MICR 5653: Solved an index issue in the upgrade process which may cause duplicate and missing check stub files after upgrade.
  • MEP 5632: Improved performance time for login and switching companies in an environment with a large number of companies.
  • MEP 5657: Fixed the reported issue where users needed to reenter product keys if all machines were not on the same MICR version.
  • MEP 4583: Resolved performance issue caused by having empty keys when switching companies.
  • 3731: Resolved issue where some users were getting an error of “stub file named xxxxxx is not valid” after upgrade.

Version 2013 b410
Release Date: 07/2016

New Features

  • The Check Configurator will access the check stub file directly from the Database and save it back to the Database. The file extension will now be saved as .stbz instead of .stbx. Logos are now embedded in the check format so if the network drives change, images are not lost. The check file stubs will now be opened for editing only through MICR Check Format Library window.
  • The new MICR Check Format Library Window manages all check format files (*.stbz). Check formats with *.stbx extensions that were previously stored on the network drive will automatically migrate to the database during table upgrade. Going forward, use this window to manage all check formats.
    • The Check Format Library window shows an informational window that describes the new window’s proper usage.
    • At the Mekorma MICR Check Format Lookup window you can see a list of all available check formats or change to view by module. For example, on the Mekorma MICR Checkbook Setup (Payables) window, click lookup button next to the “Primary Check Format” field to assign a check format. This change is also for US and Canadian Payroll Checkbook Setup.
    • The ‘Add Format’ button can import multiple files. Clicking the button will prompt for a folder selection. All check format files in the folder will be displayed so that the user can select which files to import.
  • For new installations, the Check Format Library window is automatically populated with all installed stub files. The stub (format library) files are now a mandatory component in the MICR installer. By default, they are located in the ‘Mekorma MICR\StubLib’ folder (which in turn is at the root of the Dynamics GP folder).
  • Instead of using the create on the fly feature for all check formats (stbz). Use the new Check Format Library window to manage your check formats.
  • The ‘Check Format Path’ from the Mekorma MICR System Option is disabled now that the files are stored in the database and the path is no longer used.
  • The new MICR Signature Library Window now manages all signatures in the system. All signature fields are disabled and only show file name (without path). This is because signatures are now stored in the database. The new Mekorma MICR Signature Lookup Window, which draws its content from the Signature Library, is where signature selections are made. This includes existing signatures (which are automatically copied into this window during table upgrade) from the signature library. The original signatures will remain untouched; however, the system will use the ones stored in the database for check printing. Going forward, use this window to add signatures.
  • To streamline the install process, the Mekorma MICR installer now automatically installs all product components including:
    • Core MICR Payables/Payroll
    • MEM Connector for Payables
    • MEM Connector for Payroll
    • easyAdd EFT Comment
    • easyAdd Voucher Notes
    • easyAdd Vendor Notes
    • easyAdd Employee Notes
    • easyAdd Purchase Order Security
    • easyAdd Sort Payroll by Location
    • easyAdd Sort Direct Deposit after Checks
    • easyAdd check format fields
    • Multi-Batch Print & Post
    • Assign by Checkbooks
    • MICR for Canadian Payroll
    • The easyAdd fields are converted automatically during the table upgrade process
  • The MICR installer no longer installs user guides. They can be found at
  • Users can now easily access the “Product Registration Assistance Form” on our website by clicking on the ‘Product Key Assistance’ button under the ‘Update Keys’ option in the Registration Window.


  • The easyAdd fields are converted automatically during the table upgrade process
  • Support redirected printers. This is useful in a Citrix and Terminal Service environment where redirected printers are renamed for each new session causing MICR to ‘forget’ the last printer used. To force MICR to remember the last printer, edit the Dex.ini file as follows:
    • MICR_PmPrinter=HP 3015%
    • MICR_PmOverflowPrinter=HP 3015%%
    • MICR_PmCopyPrinter=HP 3015%
    • MICR_PmCopyOverflowPrinter=HP 3015%
    • MICR_UprPrinter=HP 3015%
    • MICR_UprOverflowPrinter=HP 3015%
    • MICR_UprCopyPrinter=HP 3015%
    • MICR_UprCopyOverflowPrinter=HP 3015%%
  • The above example will force the printer to always default to the first printer whose name starts with “HP 3015”.
  • Added fields ‘Cheque Copy’ and ‘Earnings Statement Copy’ to the MICR Checkbook Setup (Canadian Payroll) Window.
  • Added product registration error 35 for accounts not fully paid.
  • Reworded several error messages around the registration system for clarity.
  • Updated links to match with the new Mekorma website. Also removed obsolete links.
  • Added support for Winthrop product registrations.
  • Prompt the user for confirmation when printing a test check with over 500 vouchers.
  • Inform the user that registration keys are not necessary in the Fabrikam company. The system will allow the user to proceed with the product registration request if they choose to do so.
  • Added an option to sort Canadian Payroll by location. The feature is activated from the Additional menu from the Mekorma MICR Setup (Payroll – Canada) window.
  • Added the option to use the MEP_SKIPUPDATEDCOMPANIES=TRUE dex.ini flag to allow users to skip already upgraded companies during the Mekorma table maintenance process.

Issues Fixed

  • MICR 4382: Fixed an issue when generating a temporary key for Multi-Batch Print and Post in CRM.
  • MICR 4311: Fixed an issue with Voucher Notes not displaying correctly when entering multiple notes then building a batch, including those transactions, if the first voucher has no description and no voucher notes.
  • MEP 4409: Fixed an issue in the registration system where GP Power Tools was failing during validation checking.
  • MICR 4265: Fixed an issue where logo files are duplicated when configuring the same check format file multiple times.
  • MICR 4220: Fixed an issue when upgrading from an old version of Mekorma MICR. Where clients were using a unique StubLib path for each company. The new system will gather all STBX files from each path and import them all into the new Check Format Library system.
  • MICR 4219: Fixed an issue where a new company created in GP could not be upgraded from the Mekorma MICR Maintenance window.
  • MICR 4216: Fixed an issue where table upgrade fails due to companies in the system that have not been upgraded to the latest GP version.
  • MICR 4214: Fixed an issue where table upgrade halted unexpectedly causing the company database to falsely appear as “Upgrade Successful”. Because the company was never upgraded, some users encountered get/change errors on MICR tables during normal MICR usage.
  • MICRJ 4194: Fixed an issue where Canadian Payroll check format files did not appear in the lookup window.
  • MICR 4189: Fixed an issue where printed transaction checks did not appear in the MICR audit log.
  • MICR 4136: Fixed an issue where registration keys were not retrieved after a successful table upgrade. This caused the system to be in the unregistered status for all products until the next GP login.
  • MICR 4133/3309: Temporary printing data are cleared out after batch check has been posted or voided. Previously the data are only cleared prior to printing a new batch.
  • MICR 4130: Fixed an issue where MICR check printing couldn’t load the signature files.
  • MICR 4090: The table upgrade process will avoid upgrading companies that are inaccessible to the user.
  • MICR 4020: Fixed an issue where the registration system reported a compatibility message with a build number that never existed. E.g. MEM Connector for Payables build 79 is not compatible with GP 2015 build 524.
  • MICR 4019: Disabled the Class ID field on the Mekorma MICR Vendor Class Security window.
  • MICR 3997: The Test Check window now does not allow $0.00 check amount. The default amount is now $1.00.
  • MICR 3982: Fixed an issue where the remittance is printed even though it was sent via email.
  • MICR2484: Fixed an issue where posted transaction checks were not archived properly causing the PDF copy and check image archive features to not work.
  • MICR 3247: Fixed an issue where refund check printing fails for checkbooks that did not have refund check format(s) assigned.
  • MICR 3731: Fixed an issue where check image archived (for an older style check format (i.e. *.stb)) shows up empty.
  • MICR 3781: Fixed an issue where the ‘Disable Print Blank Checks’ option on the Security window is not saved.
  • MICR 3811: Fixed an issue where printing Blank Checks was always using the next check number regardless of the override check number.
  • MICR 3911: Fixed an issue where checks took a long time to print due to excessive number of MICR audit records.
  • MICR 3953: Fixed an issue where payroll checks were printed with the wrong address if the employee did not have address setup.
  • MICR 3976: Display a more meaningful error message when the installer fails. Previously the error message “Error” appears when installing with an invalid installation path or instance name The error also occurs if attempting to install an older version of MICR over a newer one.
  • MEM01 4124: Fixed an issue where the facility name is blank for applied credit memos that reside in history.
  • MEM01 3968: Fixed an issue where MEM centralized fields were not populated and sorting was incorrect.
  • MEM01 3856: Fixed an issue in MEM Connector for Payables, the signature line was not printing properly.
  • VPS 3535: Fixed an issue where matching POP invoices did not retain checkbook selection when posted.
  • VCS 3307: Fixed an issue where checks printed for vendors with an empty class ID were not sorted properly.
  • MEP 3815: Fixed an issue where logging into a newly created company did not prompt for table upgrade.

Version 2013 b301
Release Date: 11/2014

New Features

  • MICR 3786: Mekorma MICR and Multi-Batch Print & Post supports GP 2013 R2’s new ‘Sort Checks By’ option.
  • MEP 3787: Added a version and build restriction so that build 301 will only work with GP 2013 R2 or greater. This is to protect the system from running incompatible builds of any Mekorma products.
  • MICR 3799: Added validation to the installer to warn users when installing into an incompatible version and build of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Issues Fixed

  • MEP 3515: Changed upgrade status on the Table Maintenance window from “New Installation” to “New Installation or Upgrade Needed”.
  • MICR 3764: Corrected an incompatibility issue with GP 2013 R2 where the “Wrong number of arguments” error occurs on the Mekorma Batch Status and Mekorma Batch Approval lists.
  • MICR 3765: Corrected an incompatibility issue with GP 2013 R2 where check numbers are repeated when printing consecutive checks in a row.
  • MICR 3766: Corrected an incompatibility issue with GP 2013 R2 where rejecting a batch caused the “A remove range operation on table ‘pmEditCheckBatchVendorTemp’ failed.” error.
  • MICRJ 3768: Corrected an incompatibility issue with GP 2013 R2 where opening the Mekorma Checkbook Setup (Payroll-Canada) window caused a “get/change first operation on table ‘P_CPY_Control’ failed accessing SQL data” error.
  • MICRJ 3773: Corrected an incompatibility issue with GP 2013 R2 where printing cheques caused a “get/change first operation on table ‘P_CPY_Control’ failed accessing SQL data” error.
  • MEP 3789: Minor graphical tweaks to the Table Maintenance window.
  • MICR 3803: The installer will allow the user to exit installation after it has run the uninstall process for the prior build.

Version 2013 b210
Release Date: 11/2014

New Features

  • MICR 3521: When emailing EFTs, MICR supports multiple email addresses. In addition, it now supports CC and BCC.
  • MPP 3825: Added a new “Batch Error Report”. Any batch that failed print or post validation during the automation will be reported with an appropriate error description.
  • MPP 3826: Improved macro automation so that the end user can easily abort the automation process. Also added an option to allow the end user to continue processing the next company’s batches.
  • MPP 3835: Multi-Batch Print & Post added support for concurrent users. Multiple users can run MPP simultaneously.
  • MPP 3836: Multi-Batch Print & Post added support for batches with batch total of zero as long as there is at least one transaction.

Issues Fixed

  • MICR 3307: Corrected a sorting issue when MICR is setup with the Vendor Class Security feature. Vendors not assigned a vendor class should now be sorted properly.
  • MICR 3328: Corrected an issue with the email subject line where ‘Document Number’ was not displayed correctly.
  • MICR 3782: Corrected an issue where remittances are not printed instead for vendors with a missing email address. The email result report also falsely stated that emails were sent successfully.
  • MICR 3794: Corrected a check sorting issue when MICR is setup to use Checkbook Security and Vendor Class Security.
  • MPP 3817: Multi-Batch Print & Post correctly shows “Print Result Report” and “Post Result Report” after returning from printing and posting automation.
  • MPP 3818: Added additional logics to handle missing company, purchasing series and vendors email setup when sending remittance emails.
  • MPP 3829: Corrected an issue where MPP macro pauses when logging into a test companies when SAMPLEDATEMSG=FALSE is added to the Dex.ini file.
  • MPP 3833: Corrected an issue where Multi-Entity Management batches do not work with split batch.
  • MPP 3839: Fixed an issue where EFT batches are not shown on the Print Result Report.
  • MPP 3840: Fixed an issue where the Exchange profile login appears when attempting to do post automation.
  • MPP 3842: Fixed an issue where the ‘Post Result Report’ is empty when emailed.
  • MPP 3843: Fixed an issue where ‘Mark All’ and ‘Unmark All’ on the ‘Multi-Batch Print & Post’ window also marks and unmarks for concurrent users.
  • MPP 3844: Printing automation pauses when printing a batch under the following conditions:
    • MICR is configured to omit zero dollar checks
    • Batch contains at least one zero dollar (i.e. Remittance)
    • Posting for Purchasing Computer Check is configured to “Post through General Ledger Files”

Version 2013 b208
Release Date: 9/2014

Issues Fixed

  • MPP 3807: Fixed an issue where switching between companies is slow in environments with a large number of companies (i.e. 100+).

Version 2013 b207
Release Date: 8/2014

New Features

  • MPP 3796: Reworded batch statuses for clarity. All batches that are ready to print will have the status “Ready to Print”. Batches using checkbooks with EFT Remittance Options set to “Dynamics GP Report Writer” will have the status “MPP does not support checkbooks with EFT Remittance Option set to use Report Writer”.

Version 2013 b206
Release Date: 7/2014

Issues Fixed

  • MICR 3775: MPP supports all printer destinations when ‘Computer Checks’ is configured to ‘Post Through General Ledger Files’.

Version 2013 b205
Release Date: 5/2014

New Features

  • MICR 3511: Add a new sorting option when running MICR under the User Based Security model. By default, the system will sort checks and EFT/DD by threshold. Add the following line to the Dex.ini file will change sort the check and EFT/DD separately
    • Add “ME_PM_SORTCHECKSFIRST=TRUE” for Payables
    • cAdd “ME_UPR_SORTCHECKSFIRST=TRUE” for Payroll
  • Also added a new option to allow Direct Deposits to always use check numbering. By default, Direct Deposits will always use DD number unless this flag is added to Dex.ini.
  • MPP 3698: A new “Sort Checks By” drop down list has been added to the Multi-Batch Print & Post (MPP) window which will allow Checks and EFT to be sorted. The available sort options are the same as the “Sort Checks By:” drop down list from the “Print Mekorma MICR Payables Checks” window.
    • Payment Number
    • Name
    • State – City
    • Zip Code
    • Voucher Number
  • Note 1: The above options are translated based on the default language setting.
  • Note 2: MPP further enhances sorting to support checkbooks using EFT numbers. Dynamics GP does not allow sorting for EFT batches.
  • MPP 3699: New ‘Generate EFT After Posting’ option in MPP to opt out of automatically generating EFT files after posting.
  • MPP 3705: MPP optimizes the printing and posting automation by avoiding unnecessary logging out and logging in.

Changes in this Release

  • MPP 3707: Proactively check for email client accessibility before starting print automation when the EFT Remittance option ‘Send Document Email (Print if email cannot be sent)’ is marked.
  • MPP 3741: Improved security so that users can’t start batch printing and/or posting automation if they do not have security access to print and post.
  • MPP 3742: Improved security to also support Multi-Entity Management’s user security.

Issues Fixed

  • MICR 3492: Fixed business rules around the “Omit $0 checks” option. When this option is activated, check count is incorrect on the Print window when printing Payables batch containing $0 checks.
  • MICR 3524: Fixed an issue where issue where a user was able to edit a batch that is in the “Pending Approval” status. Note that the user was never able to print.
  • MICR 3752: Fixed ‘Vendor Address with Contact Name’ field to include City, State, Zip Code and Country.
  • MICR 3726: Fixed an issue where the EFT remittance email PDF attachment and archive are printed using check format when the checkbook is configured to use Check Numbering. The PDF is now created using the EFT check format as configured on the ‘EFT Remittance Options’ window for the checkbook.
  • MICR 3725: Fixed an issue where EFT remittance email with subject line “Test” is sent to the vendor when email is not setup correctly for the company.
  • MICR 3757: Fixed an issue where the EFT email body was cutoff at 255 characters.
  • MPP 3502: Fixed a messaging error when printing MPP alignment form where the “MPP_PrintAlignmmentTest.stbx” file is not found. The error message has been changed from “Unable to find stub path” to “Unable to find check format MPP_PrintAlignmentTest.stbx”.
  • MPP 3628: Fixed an issue where EFT remittance email failed to send if “REMITTANCE” is not set up as a Message ID in Purchasing Email Setup.
  • MPP 3688: Fixed an issue where an unexpected GL Posting journal interrupts the printing automation. The journal is automatically rerouted to Dynamics GP’s default printer.
  • MPP 3694: Fixed an issue where print automation stops unexpectedly if ‘Send Document Email (Print if email cannot be sent)’s option is disabled on the ‘sProcess Payables Remittance’s window BUT MPP was configured to send EFT remittance email. MPP now recognizes when a company does not have email setup correctly and MPP will simply print the EFT instead.
  • MPP 3695: Fixed an issue where MPP automation halts when the test company is not named “Fabrikam, Inc.” exactly.
  • MPP 3697: Fixed a get/change error when opening the MPP window where the logged in user does not have access to a company included in MPP processing. The error messages are:
    • A get/change operation on table ‘Batch_Headers’ failed accessing SQL Data.
    • The server principal ‘UserID’ is not able to access the database “TWO” under the current security context.
  • MPP 3717: Fixed a problem where MPP reports were not assigned to MPP security tasks and roles.
  • MPP 3718: Fixed an issue where MPP print automation halts if both ‘Print Document’ and ‘Send Document in Email (Print if email cannot be sent)’ are not marked. MPP requires that EFT has a print destination before print automation can start.
  • MPP 3720: Fixed a display issue where the ‘Send Document in Email (Print if email cannot be sent)’ was not disabled when the MPP window’s ‘View Batches’ is set to ‘To Post’.
  • MPP 3724 3730: Fixed an issue where exception report is not printed when EFT emails failed to send due to improper company and/or purchasing email setup.
  • MPP 3726: Fixed a redisplay issue where a printed EFT batch still shows up when the ‘View Batch’ option is set to ‘To Print’ on the Multi-Batch Print & Post window. It now shows up correctly under ‘To Post’ area.
  • MPP 3728: Fixed a bug where MPP window is not refreshed properly when both EFT remittance options ‘Print Document’ and ‘Send Document in Email (Print if email cannot be sent)’ are marked.
  • MPP 3749: Fixed an issue where a regular batch using MICR checkbook setup to print remittance via GP Report Writer is not printed.
  • Vendor Notes 3756: Fixed an issue where the Vendor Notes was limited to 400 characters. The maximum number is now 2000.

Version 2013 b202
Release Date: 12/2013

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where printing would not occur unless both Mekorma MICR Payables and Payroll registration keys are entered. For example, Mekorma MICR would not print Payables remittances unless the Mekorma MICR Payroll registration key is entered.

Version 2013 b201
Release Date: 11/2013

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the only system administrators can access the Mekorma Products Registration window.
  • Fixed an issue with a warning messages occurring at startup when temporary keys are expiring soon.

Version 2013 b200
Release Date: 11/2013

New Features

  • Mekorma Products Manager – Mekorma now installs a separate dictionary that controls all aspects of the Mekorma Product Registration and Table Update processes for all companies and streamlines key generation for all Mekorma products.
  • Product Registration Assist Form – This is a new web form to assist uses that encounter any issues when registering their product. This feature assists them in filling out the form and sending a request to Mekorma Sales.
  • Temporary Keys – Users can now generate 30-day temporary keys for any installed Mekorma MICR product from the Mekorma Registration screen.
  • MS Account Number – This release requires a valid MS Account number in order to register Mekorma products.

Changes in this Release

  • All Mekorma products now use the new Mekorma Products Table Maintenance window to upgrade their tables. From this screen, all products can be upgraded for every company.
  • The Mekorma Registration screen location has changed. To access the Mekorma Registration screen, select GP > Tools > Setup > System > Mekorma Products Registration.
  • The Mekorma Table Maintenance screen location has changed. To access the Mekorma Table Maintenance screen, select GP > Maintenance > Mekorma Products > Table Maintenance.

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with Mekorma MICR not being able to run the table maintenance process without Internet access.
  • Fixed an issue with the EFT Remittance feature only looking for the PRIMARY email address defined and not the REMIT-TO addresss.
  • Corrected the naming convention of the Assign By Checkbook easyAdd in the Select Components window of the Mekorma MICR installer.
  • Fixed an issue with a duplicate key error being generated when printing or emailing EFT remittances.
  • Fixed an error in the Payables Approval Workflow that locked a batch if approval was requested from the Select Checks window.
  • Fixed an issue where printing is slow to start when there are many companies.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong check numbers can be used if the Void Checks window is left open after printing.

Version 2013 b100
Release Date: 5/2013

New Features and Products

  • Mekorma MICR Multi-Batch Print & Post – Print and post multiple payment batches from one or more companies in a single process. User security, remote approval, and Named Printers are required to run Multi-Batch Print & Post. This product also requires separate registration keys and cannot be implemented without the Mekorma MICR core product.
  • Emailing EFT Remittances – New Option on the Mekorma MICR System Options screen allows users to automatically email EFT Remittances in PDF format directly to vendors after EFTs are processed.
  • Split Batch option for Secure Approval Workflow – Mekorma MICR can automatically split payments from a single batch into separate batches based on required approvals. Payments needing one approver are placed in one batch; payments needing two approvers are moved to a different batch. Payments not requiring approval are immediately available for printing and posting.
  • Vendor Class Security – Vendor Class Security functionality has been incorporated into the core Mekorma MICR product and expanded to be compatible with security by User ID. In addition, a new setup screen allows users to set security for all vendor classes at one time instead of having to open and configure each vendor class individually.

Changes in this Release

  • The Mekorma MICR Installer now includes options for installing the Mekorma MICR Multi-Batch Print & Post and Mekorma MICR MEM Connector products. Separate Registration Keys are required for each of these products.
  • Added the Enable PDF Check Copies option to the Mekorma MICR System Options screen. If checked, the system automatically generates copies of your checks in PDF format. Previously, entering a location in the Base Folder field activated this feature. When upgrading, this box is automatically checked if the Base Folder field contains a file path.
  • The Mekorma MICR About Box has been modified. Product build information is now located on the Mekorma MICR Registration screen and the hyperlinks on the screen have been revised.
  • Added a new field called “Vendor Address with Contact Name” to the Vendor category of the Mekorma Configurator. This field puts the Payee contact name as the first line and the rest of the address below it.
  • Mekorma Web Services will now retrieve registration keys and populate the key code fields when the “Update Keys” button on the Mekorma MICR Registration screen is clicked.
  • Conversion of .stb files to .stbx files is now done automatically during the table upgrade process.

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed a Duplicate Check Number error message that occurred in Mekorma MICR US Payroll if using a duplicate starting check number.
  • Fixed an issue with the tab sequence in the User Signature Entry screen.
  • Fixed an issue with having to double-click the Print button the Mekorma MICR Check Printing screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the Check Image Archive that was causing an “invalid stub file” error.
  • Fixed an issue with secure approval workflow email notifications being truncated.

Version 2013 b10
Release Date: 3/2013

Issues Fixed

  • Corrected the table upgrade process to allow users to proceed without product registration limitations.

Version 2013 b1
Release Date: 2/2013

  • This initial release of Mekorma MICR Version 2013 has been ported over from Mekorma MICR Version 2010 B205 (see changes in that release below) and is compliant with the latest Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 release (including the tax update).

Changes in this Release

  • Mekorma MICR Registration keys for upgrades and new releases are now automatically retrieved. Users no longer have to download and copy the keys from the registration key website.
Last modified: May 4, 2021

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