Release Notes for Mekorma x92 released Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

Mekorma Payment Hub

  • All transactions in a batch are automatically approved when the batch requestor is also the first approver for any threshold.

  • EFT numbers will no longer be skipped when you have selected to sort checks in threshold groups. This applies to both Legacy Security and Task-Based Security.

  • When generating the Corpay outstanding payment report for a date range of over 90 days, a helpful message is displayed.

  • You can choose to view SafePay batches with a zero total in the Mekorma Action Board. To do this, select the action, Generate SafePay, and click on the View menu. Select Display $0 batches.

  • When you open Payment Voucher from the Mekorma Approval navigation list, you can sort multiple payments or multiple vouchers applied to a payment by clicking on the Amount column header.

  • The Email Extraction flow used for sending email notifications with Invoice Capture is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server version 2016 and later.

  • Batches in the Action Board now display the correct status when using a Dynamics GP named system database other than DYNAMICS.

  • The date entered in the GL Post Date field in the Action Board header now sets the posting date for all transactions in the batch during the posting process.

Mekorma Invoice Capture

  • The Email Extraction flow used for sending email notifications with Invoice Capture is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server version 2016 and later.

Mekorma Power Approvals

  • You can now view the voucher details for a batch in Power Approvals, even when the Allow Documents Attachments option is unmarked in Document Attachment Setup.


Last modified: November 8, 2024

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