Related topics are listed below.
Select Vouchers by Vendor Checkbook ID
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Select Vouchers by Vendor Checkbook ID
Assigning a payment by vendor Checkbook ID is most useful when you want to pay a certain type of vendor from a particular checkbook. Examples: You are paying grants, and the grant vendors can only be paid by the grant checkbook and not your operating…
Select Vouchers by Voucher Checkbook ID
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Select Vouchers by Voucher Checkbook ID
Assigning a payment by voucher checkbook ID is most useful when you want to pay a certain type of voucher from a particular checkbook. Examples: You are paying grants, and the grant vouchers can only be paid by the grant checkbook and not your operating…
Select Vouchers Using the Action Board
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Select Vouchers Using the Action Board
To use the Assign by Checkbooks feature when automating the batch building process in the Action Board, you can Select Vouchers by Vendor or Voucher Checkbook ID when you create a Build ID. Create a Build ID with either Select by Vendor Checkbook ID or Select by…
Approve or Reject Vouchers
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » Review and Approve » Approve or Reject Vouchers
Approvers have the ability to reject specific vouchers in the same way that vendors may be selected for rejection. Approvers no longer have to reject the entire vendor payment if only one of the invoices should not be included. The following steps outline how a…
Vendor Class Security
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Vendor Class Security
The Vendor Class Security feature provides the flexibility to customize Mekorma’s security settings on a per Vendor Class basis. The rules configured for vendor security override the basic security model that you have setup. Before setting up Vendor Class…
Create a Build ID
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Action Board Setup » Create a Build ID
A Build ID allows you to save rules for selecting your batches. You then assign the Build IDs to Process IDs to build numerous batches with different criteria. The function of Build IDs is to select the filters and sorts for the batches> However, these rules are not…
Create a Process ID
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Action Board Setup » Create a Process ID
A Process ID allows you to specify all of the batches that you want to build. You assign Build IDs to specific checkbooks so you can filter what vendors and vouchers to pay in each batch. The Process ID lets you list these sequentially so that one batch after the other…
Approve or Reject Vendor Payments
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » Review and Approve » Approve or Reject Vendor Payments
Return to the approval window to approve transactions by marking the check boxes next to each payment and clicking on Approve. If a transaction requires a second approval, the Status will display as Pending 2nd Approval and will only be available for…
Configuring Assign by Checkbook
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configuring Assign by Checkbook
Decide whether to Assign Checkbooks to Vouchers or to Vendors Some companies need to ensure that certain invoices are paid from certain checkbooks. This happens often in the non-profit sector if they have an operating checking account for some payments and another…
Configure a Threshold ID for Signatures
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configure and Test Your Signatures » Configure a Threshold ID for Signatures
Configuring Threshold IDs for Signatures gives you the ability to automatically print signatures using dollar-value ranges and to print blank lines for handwritten signatures. Configure One or Two Signatures for all Dollar-Value Amounts *For testing purposes, use a…
Setup your Vendor EFT Remit-tos
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup for EFT Processing » Setup your Vendor EFT Remit-tos
In Dynamics GP, the way that the system determine whether a vendor’s invoices will be selected for an EFT batch or a check batch is via the Remit-To address on each invoice. Note that the Remit-To address on the invoice defaults from the Remit-To address on the…
Assign a Checkbook to a Vendor
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Assign a Checkbook to a Vendor
You can assign a specific checkbook to a Dynamics GP vendor. Configuring Assign by Checkbook explains why you might want to do that. Building Batches: When you build your batches with the Mekorma Action Board, you will want to include Select by Vendor Checkbook on…
Apply a Threshold ID to a Checkbook
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configure and Test Your Signatures » Apply a Threshold ID to a Checkbook
The final step in setting up signatures is to assign the Threshold ID you created to the checkbooks from which you will be paying. Open the Mekorma Checkbook Setup window (Mekorma Area Page > Setup > Purchasing > Mekorma Checkbook Setup). Choose the checkbook…
Handling Returned Payments When the Vendor Won’t Respond
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » Handling Returned Payments When the Vendor Won’t Respond
Overview From time to time, vendors do not cash their checks. This was written to help a client determine how to handle these returned payments and the differences of handling them in Dynamics GP with and without MEEP. *Note that this guide pertains to cases where…
Advanced Approval Workflows--Approval based on Dollar Amount and Vendor Class
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Advanced Approval Workflows--Approval based on Dollar Amount and Vendor Class
Advanced Approval Workflows use a combination of Checkbook Threshold ID and Vendor Class Security Threshold ID to designate powerful rule variations. In some cases, this will save work for the Approvers when certain payments can be automatically approved. In other…
Local Printing Options
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Remote Payment Services Configuration » Local Printing Options
There may be circumstances in which you need to print checks/payments locally that are normally sent to the outsource provider for processing. You can do this by changing a vendor, payment, checkbook, or company’s status. Change an individual vendor’s…
MEM Connector for Payroll
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » MEM Connector Setup » MEM Connector for Payroll
When Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management is installed, each employee is assigned to a facility, and each facility is assigned to a payroll checkbook. When payroll is processed, multiple checkbooks may be accessed. Check numbers are assigned according to the…
Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection
Mekorma’s Assign by Checkbook enables you to indicate that each invoice or each vendor should be paid by a specific checkbook. There is more extensive information about this feature on the page Enable Assign by Checkbook page to help you decide if you want to…
Assign a Checkbook to an Invoice
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Assign a Checkbook to an Invoice
You can assign a checkbook to each invoice when you enter it in the system. This is the method you should use if you have a group of invoices that are each paid by different checkbooks. Configuring Assign by Checkbook explains why you might want to do that. Building…
Review and Approve
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » Review and Approve
If the approval workflow has been configured, Mekorma Approvers must approve transactions within their designated threshold levels before checks/ EFTs can be printed and processed. Review Payment Transactions To complete approval tasks, Approvers must navigate…
MEM Connector for Payables
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » MEM Connector Setup » MEM Connector for Payables
The Mekorma MEM Payables Connector module integrates with Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management® product to provide access to facility (entity) information for vouchers printed on Mekorma Payment Hub check stubs. The MEM Connector for Payables requires a separate…
Print Using the MEM Connector
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios » Print Using the MEM Connector
You can print batches using the MEM Connector from GP’s Build Payment window, where you can select whether to Centralize or Decentralize the process. The configuration for Sorting and Subtotal options will effect the results as follows: Setup Options…
Build Batches
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches
Use Action Board to Build All your Batches at Once The method of choice for building your payment batches and processing payments is to use the Mekorma Payment Hub Action Board. The Action Board roboticizes your standard GP procedures by giving you the power to…
Enrolling Vendors
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Remote Payment Services Configuration » Enrolling Vendors
With Remote Payment Services, your vendors get to choose their payment type of check, virtual credit card or ACH. When first implementing the system, the vendors are enrolled by communicating the vendor information to the outsourced provider as follows: Follow the…
The Check Image Archive
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » The Check Image Archive
The Check Image Archive feature allows you to view and print an image of a posted check/EFT remittance from the following Payables, US Payroll and Canadian Payroll windows: Payables Payments Zoom Payroll Check Inquiry Payroll Transaction Inquiry Canadian Payroll…
Security and Fraud Prevention
Introduction to the Mekorma Payment Hub » Security and Fraud Prevention
A fundamental reason for Mekorma Payment Hub is its security features. Whether you are processing your payments by check, EFT or outsourcing through Mekorma Remote Payment Services, security is crucial. Knowing that your workflow is protected is what can give you…
What Makes Batches Split when you Request Approval?
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » What Makes Batches Split when you Request Approval?
The idea behind Split Batch is that different dollar-value levels may have different people approving them. By splitting the batches into these threshold levels, a batch can go on to be processed once it is fully approved and even if another batch with higher…
Payment Inquiry
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » Payment Inquiry
You can view all payments that have been processed by the outsource service within the Remote Payment Services Payments window. Open the Remote Payment Services Payments window (Mekorma Area Page > Routines > Payables > Remote Payment Services Payments) to view all…
Test Check Layout
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook » Test Check Layout
Printing test checks help you verify the correctness of your check layouts. Print the test checks from the same workstation and printer you will be using for live checks. Differences in printers and operating systems can lead to size and placement variations on the…
Review, Edit and Move Rejected Payments
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » Review and Approve » Review, Edit and Move Rejected Payments
The navigation list allows you to see all the payments that were rejected during the approval process (and subsequently placed in the MICR_REJECT batch). The Mekorma Rejected Payments navigation list allows authorized users to work with rejected payments in the…
Handling Stop-Pays and Voids for Outsourced Payments
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » Handling Stop-Pays and Voids for Outsourced Payments
Overview From time to time, errors occur and you may want to do a “Stop-Pay” on a payment sent out through MEEP. This guide was written to help you determine how to handle those void payments both with our outsource provider and within Dynamics GP. Note that…
Sort and Filter the Payment List
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » Mobile Approvals with PowerApprovals App » Sort and Filter the Payment List
Payments pending approval will display, based on the Threshold assignments as configured with the approval workflow. Depending on the filter in place, approvers will be able to see approvable transactions or all transactions in the companies they have access to. Using…
Mekorma Fields for Check Stubs
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook » Customize Check Formats Using the Configurator » Mekorma Fields for Check Stubs
All available check stub fields within the Mekorma Configurator are listed below by section. Any of these fields can be added by clicking on the Add Elements button once the Mekorma Configurator has been opened: These fields are available for Payables, US Payroll…
Action Board: Build All Your Batches at Once
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Action Board: Build All Your Batches at Once
The Action Board allows you to build all of your batches across companies with one click of a button. Refer to Action Board Setup prior to building batches from the Action Board. Open the Mekorma Action Board (Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Mekorma…
MEM Connector Setup
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » MEM Connector Setup
MEM stands for Multi-Entity Management®, a product written for Dynamics GP by Binary Stream Software. This product allows organizations to manage multiple legal entities (companies) in one single database. MEM also uses the term facility interchangeably with entity or…
EFTs in the Action Board
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Action Board Setup » EFTs in the Action Board
When you use the Action Board, your system can select both your checks and EFT batches in one process. As you saw, you use a Build ID to set your rules for what invoices to include and a Process ID to tell the system what checkbook to use and whether to build checks,…
Build Remote Batches
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Build Remote Batches
One of the advantages of Mekorma Remote Payment Services is that all standard GP procedures for building batches can be used to build remote batches and all payment types can be combined in a single batch. The batches are built as standard check batches, yet the…
Security for Transaction Checks
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Security for Transaction Checks
Recommendation: Separation of Duties = Disable Transaction Checks Giving access to the same person to enter an invoice into the system and to cut a payment is a security concern. Best practice recommends separation of duties. For that reason we recommend withholding…
Remote Payment Services Configuration
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Remote Payment Services Configuration
Mekorma and your payment outsource provider will handle the initial implementation and configuration of the Remote Payment connector in Dynamics GP. This is necessary as Mekorma needs to implement and test the authentication to the provider’s portal. However,…
Appendix 2: Mekorma Configurator Fields
Appendix 2: Mekorma Configurator Fields
This appendix lists all the fields available in the Mekorma Configurator. Legend: ST: single text field SC: single currency field MT: multi-lined field MD: multi-Date field MN: multi-number LB: label PF: logical field OV: overflow MC: multi-Currency MTR: multi-Amount…
Choose EFT Remittance Options
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup for EFT Processing » Choose EFT Remittance Options
*Note that this section only applies if you will be configuring in-house processing to generate EFT files and send them to your bank. If an outsource provider is processing for you, they will email your vendor remittances for you. For more information, refer to Remote…
Remote Payment Services (Outsource Your Checks)
Introduction to the Mekorma Payment Hub » Remote Payment Services (Outsource Your Checks)
Mekorma Remote Payment Services handles all your vendor payments through this process flow: you send check batches to the service provider. the service provider (AvidXchange or Corpay) will send payments on your behalf. your vendor will get paid the way they…
Action Board: Process Remote Payment Batches
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Process Payments » Action Board: Process Remote Payment Batches
Open the Action Board (Mekorma Area page > Transactions > Payables > Mekorma Action Board). Choose Process Checks and EFTs from the Action drop-down menu. Select one or more fully approved batches and click Process. You can process batches that contain…
View Payment Details
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow » Mobile Approvals with PowerApprovals App » View Payment Details
Please note, viewing payment details is optional. You can approve or Reject payments without drilling into them. But if you would like to see the voucher details or the attached invoice images, this is the way to do it. First, click on the drop-down for an individual…
Introduction to the Mekorma Payment Hub
Introduction to the Mekorma Payment Hub
Thank you for your interest in Mekorma products. Mekorma Payment Hub is a payables solution integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP®. The Payment Hub offers: The Action Board for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) of your payment process in one unified window A…
Configure Email Settings
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup for EFT Processing » Configure Email Settings
*Note that this section only applies if you will be configuring in-house processing to generate EFT files and send them to your bank. If an outsource provider is processing for you, they will email remittances to your vendors for you and you do not have to configure…
Questions to Ask Before Installing
Preparing for the Mekorma Payment Hub » Questions to Ask Before Installing
Gather Information Here are some of the Discovery items to consider to optimize your AP payment automation: *Note that our Customer Success team is standing by with a full discovery and implementation methodology, if you would like help implementing your…
Print or Email EFT Remittances
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Process Payments » Print or Email EFT Remittances
If you are printing EFT remittances, you can select the format for printing the remittances by entering an option in the EFT Remittance Options field. The selected format is displayed in the Mekorma MICR Check Printing screen when you print the remittances. The same…
Using the Action Board with Multi-Entity Management
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Using the Action Board with Multi-Entity Management
Before processing payments using Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management (MEM) with the Action Board, the following steps must be taken: MEM must be activated for all entities you want to process with the Action Board. All users must have a default entity…
Enable Split Batches
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Optional Security Settings » Enable Split Batches
The Split Batch feature prevents entire batches from being held up when only some of the transactions require approvals. If transactions within a certain threshold range do not need to be approved, those transactions can be placed into their own batch to continue…
Exceptions for Remote Payments--Local Printing Options
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios » Exceptions for Remote Payments--Local Printing Options
When using Mekorma Remote Payment Services to send your payments to a service provider, there may be times when you want to override the system to process certain payments locally. The following topics explain the configuration settings for making exceptions: Add…
Process an Outsourced Payments Batch
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Process Payments » Process an Outsourced Payments Batch
Procedures for Process an Outsourced Payments Batch start just like processing any other single payment batch. This topic provides additional information for outsourced payments. Document numbering for Outsourced Payments Each payment is processed in Dynamics GP as…
Grant Access to Mekorma Alternate Windows
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Dynamics GP Security for Mekorma » Grant Access to Mekorma Alternate Windows
Mekorma Payment Hub uses alternate Microsoft Dynamics GP windows for processing payables transaction and batch payments. Security must be granted to these alternate windows for each user printing checks. Setup an Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID The first step…
Adding Elements to Check Formats
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook » Customize Check Formats Using the Configurator » Adding Elements to Check Formats
Our existing check formats can be customized by adding elements using the Mekorma Configurator. Fields can be added to any of our check formats, and can be easily placed or re-located with the Configurator’s drag-and-drop interface. *To access the Mekorma…
Email/Text Notifications
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Email/Text Notifications
Setup for individual users Users assigned to Approver security roles can configure their own email and text notification requirements for optimal workflow: You must have email functioning in GP for notifications to work. Log in and open the Mekorma User Preferences…
Assign a Checkbook to a Payment Batch
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Assign a Checkbook to a Payment Batch
Assigning a checkbook to an entire batch works well if you have a group of invoices that should all be paid by the same checkbook. The Assign by Checkbook feature must be enabled before any assignments can be made. Open the Payables Batch Entry window (Mekorma…
Track Payment History with the Audit Log Report
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » Track Payment History with the Audit Log Report
The Audit Log report records the details of posted check/ EFT batches, including the Approvers/ Authorizers of each batch. This feature provides an added layer of security when processing payments with Mekorma. Open the Mekorma MICR Audit Log Report window…
Mekorma Security Roles and Tasks
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Mekorma Security Roles and Tasks
Dynamics GP System Security Roles and Tasks are used to designate groups of Approvers and Authorizers. The Difference Between Approvers and Authorizers The word Approver or Authorizer is used depending on the workflow: Approver is used for individuals with…
Setting up Check, Check Remittance Copies and EFT Remittances
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setting up Check, Check Remittance Copies and EFT Remittances
You can store your checks and check remittance copies electronically instead of on paper. There are two methods to do this and you can use one or both: The Check Image Archive displays images of payments right from the Dynamics GP Inquiry windows. The PDF Check…
Add a Logo to a Checkbook
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook » Add a Logo to a Checkbook
A company logo can be associated with individual checkbooks, and used within multiple companies. This feature is useful if you use one check format in many companies and checkbooks, but you’d like a different logo for each checkbook. The logo defined for each…
Appendix 3: Mekorma Support Tool
Appendix 3: Mekorma Support Tool
Mekorma has created the Mekorma Support Tool within Payment Hub. For most of support cases, support technician will ask client to provide their current configurations, i.e security, checkbook setup, …etc. based on the request. The Support tool saves the client a lot…
Action Board Printer Selection
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Automate the Selection of Printers » Action Board Printer Selection
You can set up print tasks on a system, company, or on a per-user basis for payments printed from the Action Board. For context, Action Board Setup will give you broader overview of the Action Board. !Note that because of the variety of printer and operating system…
Print Miscellaneous Checks
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios » Print Miscellaneous Checks
The Dynamics GP Miscellaneous Check feature allows you to print a check to any entity without creating the entity as a vendor. Mekorma Payment Hub uses the Dynamics GP Miscellaneous Check screen, but intercepts the check printing process and prints the checks using the…
Configure MEM Connector Payroll Check Formats
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » MEM Connector Setup » Configure MEM Connector Payroll Check Formats
The following fields are provided for placement on the stub layout and can be added using the Mekorma Configurator: !All payroll checkbooks should be set up with the same stub layout file. Only one layout is used when printing payroll checks. These fields are…
Setup Approvers for Payables
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables
This section of the Mekorma Payment Hub configuration guide assumes that you already have done the following: Setup a Checkbook and printed your first check Configured and Tested your Signatures Now we’ll explain how to add an Approval workflow for…
Assign Signature Files to Users
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configure and Test Your Signatures » Assign Signature Files to Users
Before using signatures to set up Threshold IDs, an administrator must first assign signature files to individual users. *A signature can be setup in the system even for a user that does not normally use Dynamics GP. For example, if your checks require the CEO’s…
Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios
The topics in this section highlight specific optional features of the Mekorma Payment Hub: The Payment Hub supports printing special remittance formats for Refund checks arising from the Dynamics GP SOP module. You can use the PDF Check Archive to continually…
Assign Named Printers to Mekorma Tasks
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Automate the Selection of Printers » Named Printers with Mekorma Payment Hub » Assign Named Printers to Mekorma Tasks
Once Named Printers have been set up, you can now assign different printers for MICR checks, check copies, overflows and EFT remittances in the Assign Named Printers window: Log in as System Administrator (‘sa’). Navigate to the Assign Named Printers…
Intermediate Approval Workflows--Approvals Based on Dollar Amount
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Intermediate Approval Workflows--Approvals Based on Dollar Amount
An Intermediate Workflow with One Approval Group and Different Range Rules In an intermediate workflow scenario, you may have the same three theoretical people that you have in a Simple Approval Workflow: RYAN : A Requestor—he creates batches and submits them…
Print Blank Checks
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios » Print Blank Checks
On occasion, you might want to print a Blank Check for making a handwritten payment, such as if you need a check to take off-site. Blank checks are not posted to the General Ledger when they are printed. To record them, they must be entered later as manual payments.…
Setup Named Printers
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Automate the Selection of Printers » Named Printers with Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Named Printers
The first step in configuring Named Printers is to name them! Printers must be setup with Printer IDs: Login as an Administrator. Navigate to the Assign Named Printers window (Microsoft Dynamics GP drop-down menu > Setup > System > Named Printers). Confirm…
Configure the MICR Line
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook » Configure the MICR Line
The MICR line is the coded banking information at the bottom of your check which is printed in the E13B MICR font. By printing the MICR line, the Mekorma Payment Hub can provide the capability of printing on blank, rather than pre-printed, checkstock. The video below…
Approve with Secure Approval Workflow
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Approve with Secure Approval Workflow
After building a batch of payments, the batch can be locked before printing. Configure an approval workflow to notify designated users (Mekorma Approvers) that there are transaction payments needing their approval. Workflow must first be configured by by setting up…
Configure Quick Messages
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Optional Security Settings » Configure Quick Messages
Quick messages allow users to enter frequently used reasons for rejecting a payment or voucher. The messages are entered on the Quick Messages window and then become available for selection on the Reject Reason window when a payment or batch is rejected. Open the…
Recommended Printers and Supplies
Preparing for the Mekorma Payment Hub » Recommended Printers and Supplies
Printers for Mekorma Payment Hub Check Printing We recommend that you print Mekorma checks to a dedicated medium – higher quality check printer using blank check stock. The printer should have the following capabilities: Speed of 45 ppm and up Two-tray…
Power Approvals: Configure Mobile Approvals
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Power Approvals: Configure Mobile Approvals
PowerApprovals is our Microsoft Power Platform-based mobile application for remote payment approval. PowerApprovals allows any designated company approver within the organization to easily approve payments from their mobile device, or from any computer using a browser…
Specify Check or Remit Numbers
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup for EFT Processing » Specify Check or Remit Numbers
*Note that this section only applies if you will be configuring in-house processing to generate EFT files and send them to your bank. If an outsource provider is processing for you, they will pay your vendors via checks, EFT or credit card, and you don’t have to…
Assign a Checkbook to a Purchase Order
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Build Batches » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Assign a Checkbook to a Purchase Order
The Assign by Checkbook feature can also be applied to the Purchase Order (PO) system. A checkbook can be assigned to the original Purchase Order, and that assignment will be carried through to the invoice. The Assign by Checkbook feature must be enabled before any…
Action Board: Process All Your Batches at Once
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Process Payments » Action Board: Process All Your Batches at Once
The Action Board provides an ability to automate the printing and posting of payables batches across multiple companies and checkbooks. Refer to Action Board Setup prior to processing from the Action Board. Instead of needing to log in to each company separately, all…
Setup Authorizers for Payroll
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Authorizers for Payroll
The US and Canadian Payroll systems benefit from Threshold ID security. However, they do not have the same kind of workflow. The way that Payroll works is that one user must Build, Calculate and Print the checks and cannot interrupt the flow to send a notification to…
Configure and Test Your Signatures
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configure and Test Your Signatures
Adding automatic signatures to the system is one of the primary ways of increasing efficiency. Note that it is optional and not all Mekorma Payment Hub users configure automatic signatures. But we encourage it—it saves lots of hand cramps or rubber stamping!…
Void Remote Payment Batches for a Processing Error
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » Void Remote Payment Batches for a Processing Error
On occasion, a batch may not have successfully processed on the outsource provider’s portal, and will need to be voided. The batch must FIRST be voided in the provider’s portal, then in Dynamics GP. Step 1: Void in your outsource provider’s…
Simple Approval Workflow--All Payments Must be Approved
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Simple Approval Workflow--All Payments Must be Approved
A Basic Workflow Let’s start with a basic workflow: ALL Payments Require One Approver. We’ll do it with these 4 steps: Choose one or more Users to be in the Approvers group and assign each of them the Security Role :…
Enable EFT Comments and Logos for Check Formats
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup for EFT Processing » Enable EFT Comments and Logos for Check Formats
*Note that this section only applies if you will be configuring in-house processing to generate EFT files and send them to your bank. If an outsource provider is processing for you, they will configure your remittances for both EFT and Virtual Credit Card payments. For…
Mekorma Signature Assignment
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configure and Test Your Signatures » Assign Signature Files to Users » Mekorma Signature Assignment
Click on the User Name of an Approver to highlight a row. Use the magnifying glass icon to choose a signature from the library. Assign Signature Files to Users fully explains the use of this window. Fields Field Name Use of Field User Name…
Add Checkbooks for Remote Payments
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Remote Payment Services Configuration » Add Checkbooks for Remote Payments
The Remote Payment Services Configuration window is used to configure checkbooks for outsourcing. Step 1: Checkbook is configured in the ePayment Portal You will need to contact your provider (AvidXchange or Corpay) and fill out the necessary paperwork. The first…
Print US Payroll Checks and Direct Deposit Remittance
Using Mekorma Payment Hub for US and Canadian Payroll » Print US Payroll Checks and Direct Deposit Remittance
You are ready to print US Payroll checks after the following steps have been completed: Create a US payroll batch using the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP procedures. Build and calculate your checks. To Print: Open the Print Mekorma US Payroll window…
Authorize Payroll Batches
Using Mekorma Payment Hub for US and Canadian Payroll » Authorize Payroll Batches
If Authorization has been configured for Payroll, a Mekorma Authorizer(s) must be designated to Build, Calculate and Print Payroll Checks. No one will be able to do this unless they have been assigned the Batch Authorizer Task ID.
Automate the Selection of Printers
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Automate the Selection of Printers
There are two options for automating your printer selection so you don’t have to choose a printer every time a batch is printed: Use the Action Board printing options when printing payments from the Action Board. Configure GP’s Named Printers Action…
Batch Inquiry
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Inquiries and Routines » Batch Inquiry
Any batch that has been created and sent to the outsource provider can be accessed from the Remote Payment Services Batches (Batch Maintenance) window. From this window, you can filter your view based on the status of the batch, Batch Number, Remote Batch ID (found in…
Choose Check Formats from the Check Format Library
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook » Choose Check Formats from the Check Format Library
The Mekorma Checkbook Setup window allows you to select pre-configured check formats for the Purchasing, US Payroll and Canadian Payroll modules. Formats for Dynamics GP Payables and Dynamics GP Financial > Miscellaneous Checks You must select a Primary Check…
Grant Access to Mekorma Windows and Reports
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Dynamics GP Security for Mekorma » Grant Access to Mekorma Windows and Reports
Mekorma Payment Hub Security Tasks and Roles As per standard practice for Dynamics GP, your AP team will need to have security access to both the standard GP windows/reports and the Mekorma windows/reports based on their roles. Mekorma Payment Hub supports Dynamics…
How to Create a Digital Signature
Preparing for the Mekorma Payment Hub » How to Create a Digital Signature
If you will be using signatures as part of your security settings in Mekorma, you will need to gather all needed signatures and transform them into a digital format. Please watch the video below to view step-by-step instructions, as recommended by Mekorma: Take a…
Configure MEM Connector Payables Check Formats
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » MEM Connector Setup » Configure MEM Connector Payables Check Formats
Depending on which version of Multi-Entity Management is set up for your organization, you will find the facility fields in either the MEM Decentralized Payables category, or the MEM Centralized Payables category. !The MEM Connector must be enabled in order to print…
Import Signatures to the Signature Library
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Configure and Test Your Signatures » Assign Signature Files to Users » Import Signatures to the Signature Library
Start by gathering all signatures needed for your security in a digital format. Files can be the following formats: .bmp, .gif, .jpg and .png. Open the Mekorma Signature Library window (Mekorma Area Page > Setup > System > Signature Library). Choose…
Print Payables Transaction Checks
Using the Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables » Miscellaneous Processing Scenarios » Print Payables Transaction Checks
Transaction Check Printing Security Concerns For transaction checks, our recommendation is that you don’t allow transaction check printing because giving access to the same person to enter an invoice into the system and to cut a payment is a security concern.…
PowerApprovals System Requirements
Preparing for the Mekorma Payment Hub » PowerApprovals System Requirements
Power Apps subscription You will need a Power Apps subscription in order to access Mekorma PowerApprovals. The subscription model offers per-app or per-user licensing. *To purchase Power Apps for an organization, you must already be an Office 365 Global or Billing…
Action Board Setup
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Action Board Setup
Since the Action Board is the heart of the Payment Hub, understanding the Action Board is key. It is the WAY to process payments, providing a single-window method of managing the entire payment process, across companies and checkbooks. The basic concept for setting…
Optional Security Settings
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup Approvers for Payables » Optional Security Settings
The settings in this section enable you to tune your workflow with various options: Enable Split Batches tells the system to split the batches based on Threshold ID Dollar-value ranges. The purpose of this is that if one range is fully approved it can continue to be…
Setup a Checkbook
Configuring the Mekorma Payment Hub » Setup a Checkbook
The fundamental steps of your Checkbook setup are to: Configure the MICR line. This is the primary thing needed in order to switch from pre-printed check stock to blank check stock. Choose a Check Format The following two steps are OPTIONAL: Use the Mekorma…