Mekorma automatically archives check information. If the Disable Check Archiving option in the Mekorma Systems Options window is not marked, you might have millions of records in your company audit log tables. Because the tables that store the archived check information are scanned during the check printing and posting process, performance could be impacted. Archiving or deleting past audit log data will help improve the check printing and posting process.

If you choose to archive your data, it will be moved from the following tables to an archive version of those tables. You will NOT be able to view the information in the archive tables.

Audit Log Table Archive Audit Log Table
ME240457 ME240457_Archive
ME240458 ME240458_Archive
ME240459 ME240459_Archive
ME240461 ME240461_Archive
ME240463 ME240463_Archive

If you choose to delete your data, it will be removed and will no longer be available.

  1. Back up the company database.
  1. Open the Long-Term Archive window. Mekorma > Setup > System > System Options > Options button > Archive > Long-Term Archive

  1. Select to archive or delete.
  1. Select a date in the Audit Logs Before field. The date that is used to select records is the Post Date (POSTEDDT) field in ME240459. When you tab off of this field, the table will display or redisplay the data that will be archived or deleted.

  1. Click Process.

When the process is complete, a message will be displayed.

Last modified: April 24, 2024

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