Power Approvals is our Microsoft Power Platform-based mobile application for remote payment approval. Power Approvals allows any designated company approver within the organization to easily approve payments from their mobile device, or from any computer using a browser of choice.

Before setting up Power Approvals, please make sure you have met the system requirements.


Before an approver can make use of Power Approvals, there are a few setup tasks that must be accomplished.


  1. Secure Approval Workflow
    • Administrators must configure Task-Based Security. Any companies still functioning using Mekorma Legacy Security (user ID or Checkbook security) must convert to Task-Based Security to take full advantage of Power Approvals.
  1. Credentials
    • In order to use the app, approvers must have a valid email account associated with their GP user ID. A valid email account is defined as an Office 365 account or a Azure Active Directory federated domain account.
    • System Administrators can handle the email setup for all Users, within the Approval Email Setup window.
  1. Grant Access to Power Approvals
    • An administrator must share or give access to Power Approvals for each approver. For more information on sharing Power Apps applications, please consult the following Microsoft Docs documentation: Share a canvas app in Power Apps


  1. Download Power Apps
    • Your company must hold valid Power Apps licenses and have an environment to deploy Power Approvals.
    • A System Administrator must contact Mekorma to obtain a copy of Power Approvals to be uploaded and deployed in the Power Apps environment.
    • For mobile deployment, approvers must install Power Apps on their devices. Power Apps can be obtained from the Google Play Store for Android devices or Apple store for iOS devices.
    • Once an administrator has shared Power Approvals with a user, the application can be accessed by opening Power Apps on a mobile device.
  1. Use the mobile app to review, reject and approve payments!
Last modified: April 22, 2024

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