This section shows how to configure check numbers instead of the EFT numbering sequence for your EFTs. This option must be configured in Dynamics GP.

  1. Open the Checkbook Maintenance window.
  1. Select a Checkbook ID.
  1. Click the EFT Bank option to open the Checkbook EFT Bank Maintenance window.

  1. Select the Payables Options button to open the Checkbook EFT Payables Options window.

  1. Select an EFT Payment Number option based on the following:

Use Check Numbers

  • When using blank check stock, EFTs will print with check numbers as non-negotiable checks using Mekorma Payment Hub and as reports based on the EFT Remittance Option selected.
  • If using pre-printed check stock, EFTs will print in the same way. However, be advised that you must select Microsoft Dynamics GP Report Writer as the EFT Remittance option.

Use EFT Numbers

  • When using blank check stock, EFTs will print with remittance numbers as non-negotiable checks using Mekorma Payment Hub or reports based on the EFT Remittance Option selected.
  • When using pre-printed check stock, EFTs will print in the same way. We do not recommend using pre-printed check stock when printing EFT remittances with EFT numbers.

  1. Click OK when you are finished and close any open windows.
Last modified: November 2, 2023

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