The Mekorma MEM Payables Connector module integrates with Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management® product to provide access to facility (entity) information for vouchers printed on Mekorma Payment Hub check stubs. The MEM Connector for Payables requires a separate registration key.

There are two setup options available for the MEM Connector: Sorting and Subtotals.

Facility Check or Stub Sorting Options

Sorting options are available for both centralized and decentralized. For centralized, checks are sorted by the facility ID or name of the first voucher on the check. For decentralized, checks print in facility ID or name order.

  1. Open the MEM Connector for Payables Setup window (Mekorma Area Page > Setup > Purchasing > Mekorma MEM for Connector for Payables Setup).
  1. Select an option in the first section to define facility check sorting:
    • No Facility Sorting
      • The decentralized category is used to print the facility ID or facility name and address on the header.
    • Sort by Facility ID
      • For MEM centralized, the centralized category is used to print vouchers on the stub in facility ID order and checks in facility ID order.
      • For MEM decentralized, checks print in facility ID order.
    • Sort by Facility Name
      • For MEM centralized, this option uses the centralized category to print vouchers on the stub in facility name order and checks in facility name order.
      • For MEM decentralized, checks are printed in facility ID order.
  1. Click Save to save your changes.

Facility Check Stub Subtotal Options

This option is available for centralized only. Vouchers are grouped and subtotaled on the stub by facility ID or facility name. If this option is selected, all fields on the voucher line must be from the MEM Centralized category or they will not align properly.

  1. Open the MEM Connector for Payables Setup window.
  1. Select an option in the second section to define Facility Check Stub Subtotal Options:
    • No Voucher Subtotals
      • Uses Centralized category to print vouchers on the stub with no subtotal line.
    • Subtotal Vouchers by Facility ID
      • Sorts and groups vouchers by facility ID and prints a subtotal line after each group.
    • Subtotal Vouchers by Facility Name
      • Sorts and groups vouchers by facility name and prints a subtotal line after each group.

See here for a detailed list of how sorting and subtotal options affect the printing results.

  1. Mark Print Grand Total to print the sum of all facilities.
  1. Click Save to save your changes.
    p(banner tip). For correct alignment of columns on the stub when using the subtotal options, all normal voucher line fields should be replaced with fields from the MEM Centralized Payables category of the Configurator.
Last modified: November 2, 2023

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