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Related topics are listed below.

Signatures with Approval Workflow

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Signatures with Approval Workflow

Once you have chosen Task-Based Security in the Security Setup window, and assigned Security Roles and Tasks to the desired Approvers, one or more Threshold IDs must be created and then assigned to a checkbook – this will enable a secure workflow process. Watch…

Signatures Only with Standard GP Security

Introduction to Mekorma » Security Model Options » Signatures Only with Standard GP Security

Payments can also be processed without configuring Mekorma security. In that case, standard Dynamics GP security will apply. Even if you choose not to configure passwords, thresholds, or secure approval workflow using Mekorma security, it is possible to apply Mekorma…

Signatures Only with Standard GP Security

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security » Signatures Only with Standard GP Security

When using the Legacy Security model, it is possible to set up very simple signature logic, allowing you to automatically print signatures on checks without configuring passwords or workflow. The setup steps described below will apply the same signature logic to…

Batch Inquiry

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Inquiries and Routines » Batch Inquiry

Any batch that has been created and sent to the outsource provider can be accessed from the Enhanced ePayment Batches (Batch Maintenance) window. From this window, you can filter your view based on the status of the batch, Batch Number, Remote Batch ID (found in the…

Request Approval or Authorization

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Request Approval or Authorization

After batches are built, a user must request approval for each batch to initiate the workflow. Regardless of the security model you have configured (Task-Based approvals or Legacy Security by User ID), approval or authorization requests can be accomplished in the same…

Cancel Approval or Authorization Request

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Cancel Approval or Authorization Request

Once a request for approval or authorization has been sent for a particular batch, that batch will be locked and can no longer be edited. To unlock the batch for editing purposes, the request itself can be canceled. *To open the Mekorma Payment Bacth Status List, go…

Print Payables Batch Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Payables Batch Checks

Printing payables check batches can be done in several different ways: Mekorma Payment Hub MICR Check Printing Using the Mekorma Payment Hub core MICR functionality, payables batches can be printed one batch at-a-time, on a per-company basis. This is accomplished by…

Import Signatures to the Signature Library

Configuration » Import Signatures to the Signature Library

Before it can be used in your company’s security settings, each signature image file must be imported into the Signature Library. You must have all signatures needed for your security saved in a digital format. Files can be the following formats: .bmp, .gif, .jpg…

Setup Signatures/ Approvals by User ID

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security » Setup Signatures/ Approvals by User ID

To set up signatures and approvals by User ID, please complete the following steps: *To access the Security Maintenance Window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup > Company > Security Maintenance Add Users and Signatures Open the Security Maintenance…

Assign a Checkbook to a Payment Batch

Process Payments » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Assign a Checkbook to a Payment Batch

Assigning a checkbook to an entire batch works well if you have a group of invoices that should all be paid by the same checkbook. The Assign by Checkbook feature must be enabled before any assignments can be made. *To open the Payables Batch Entry window, go to…

Build Batches with Mekorma

Process Payments » Build Batches with Mekorma

Payment batches can be created using the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP procedures on a per company basis. Use this method if you are not able to identify any repeatable payment rules for pulling invoices into your batches. The following windows can be used to manually…

Assign Signature Files to Users

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Assign Signature Files to Users

In Task-Based security, before using signatures to set up Threshold IDs, an administrator must first assign signature files to individual users. Be sure that all needed signatures are in a digital format and stored in an accessible folder. *To access the Signature…

Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow

After building a batch of payments, the batch can be locked before printing. An approval workflow can be configured to notify designated users (Mekorma Approvers) that there are transaction payments needing their approval. Workflow must first be configured by…

Remote Approvals with PowerApprovals App

Process Payments » Remote Approvals with PowerApprovals App

As of Mekorma Build x80, Approvers can perform their tasks outside of Dynamics GP using the PowerApprovals application. After the system requirements have been met, and the necessary setup has been completed, designated Users can perform approvals in the following…

Automated Processing with the Action Board

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Send Batches via the ePayment Connector » Automated Processing with the Action Board

*To open the Payment Hub Action Board, go to the Mekorma Area page > Transactions > Payables > Mekorma Action Board Open the Action Board. Choose Process Checks and EFTs from the Action drop-down menu. Select one or more fully approved batches and click…

Approve/ Reject Payments with Legacy Security

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Approve/ Reject Payments with Legacy Security

Review and Approve/ Reject Payments with Legacy Security After receiving notification of payments pending approval, Approvers can open the Mekorma Payment Batches Pending Approval navigation list. To review the payments in a batch, select the batch and choose Go…

Review Payments with Task-Based Workflow

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Review Payments with Task-Based Workflow

If Task-based secure approval workflow has been configured, Mekorma Approvers must approve transactions within their designated threshold levels before checks/ EFTs can be printed and processed. Review Payment Transactions *To open the Mekorma Approval navigation…

Processing Batches with Split Batches Enabled

Process Payments » Processing Batches with Split Batches Enabled

Processing Split Batches Using Task-Based Security with Approvals Split batches are enabled on a per checkbook basis by assigning a Threshold ID to that checkbook. When a batch goes through the approval workflow and approvals are requested, the batches will be split…

Setup for EFT Processing with Mekorma

Configuration » Setup for EFT Processing with Mekorma

This section will demonstrate how to set up your GP system to process EFTs using Mekorma. You must be sure your checkbook(s) are already configured for EFT processing in Dynamics GP, which is essential for the MICR process to go smoothly. Follow these…

Vendor Class Security

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security » Vendor Class Security

The Vendor Class Security feature provides the flexibility to customize Mekorma’s security settings on a per Vendor Class basis. This feature is supported under Mekorma Legacy Security by Checkbook ID and User ID, as well as Task-Based secure approval workflow.…

MEM Connector for Payroll

Configuration » MEM Connector Setup » MEM Connector for Payroll

When Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management is installed, each employee is assigned to a facility, and each facility is assigned to a payroll checkbook. When payroll is processed, multiple checkbooks may be accessed. Check numbers are assigned according to the…

Track Payment History with the Audit Log Report

Process Payments » Track Payment History with the Audit Log Report

The Audit Log report records the details of posted check/ EFT batches, including the Approvers/ Authorizers of each batch. This feature provides an added layer of security when processing payments with Mekorma. *To open the Mekorma MICR Audit Log Report window, go…

Using the Action Board with Multi-Entity Management

Process Payments » Build Batches with Mekorma » Using the Action Board with Multi-Entity Management

Before processing payments using Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management (MEM) with the Action Board, the following steps must be taken: MEM must be activated for all entities you want to process with the Action Board. All users must have a default entity…

Task-Based Security Model

Introduction to Mekorma » Security Model Options » Task-Based Security Model

Task-Based security allows you to configure a secure approval workflow process for payables batches. This video gives an overview of Task-Based security and how it works: To activate secure approval workflow, Threshold IDs are configured and saved at the system…

Task-Based Security

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security

This video will guide you through the steps necessary to fully set up approval workflow, authorization and signature logic using the Task-Based Security model: Following these steps will help you take full advantage of the options available in Task-Based…

Print Payments

Process Payments » Print Payments

Printing Checks with Mekorma Payment Hub Mekorma MICR integrates fully with Microsoft Dynamics GP and gives you the ability to: Print on blank or pre-printed check stock Print signatures based on the dollar amount of the check Add secure approval workflow or batch…

Assign a Signature to a User ID

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security » Setup Signatures/ Approvals by User ID » Assign a Signature to a User ID

*To access the Security Maintenance window (for use with Legacy Security options), go to the Mekorma Area page > Setup > Company > Security Maintenance Open the Security Maintenance window. Use the Add/ Modify User button to add the Dynamics GP User who will be…

Security by Checkbook ID

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security » Security by Checkbook ID

To Configure Security by Checkbook: *To open the Mekorma MICR Security Setup window, be sure you have chosen Legacy Security in the Security Setup window. Then go the the Mekorma Area page > Setup > Company > Security Maintenance On the Mekorma MICR Security…

Activate Secure Approval Workflow

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security » Setup Signatures/ Approvals by User ID » Activate Secure Approval Workflow

Mekorma Payables Secure Approval Workflow allows users to review and approve payment batches (EFTs / Checks). Email notifications and Navigation lists replace the password prompts. Users receive emails that a batch requires approval and can then review and approve…

Legacy Security Model

Introduction to Mekorma » Security Model Options » Legacy Security Model

Mekorma Legacy Security Legacy is Mekorma’s original security model and includes the options to set security by: User ID Checkbook ID Default GP security User ID Security by User ID uses the Microsoft Dynamics GP User ID and password as your check…

Enable Split Batches

Configuration » Enable Split Batches

The Split Batch feature prevents entire batches from being held up when only some of the transactions require approvals. If transactions within a certain threshold range do not need to be approved, those transactions can be placed into their own batch to continue…

Security Model Options

Introduction to Mekorma » Security Model Options

Mekorma users can choose between two working security models, if more than the standard GP option is desired. In addition to the below descriptions, please see here for a detailed list of features and how they compare. Mekorma Task-Based Security Available in build…

Print Check Copies to PDF

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Check Copies to PDF

This feature automatically generates PDF copies of each individual check or EFT, once they have been printed and/ or posted. Check copies are stored in a location defined on the System Options screen. Automatic check copies are generated when you print: Payables…

Legacy Security

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Legacy Security

Legacy Security allows you to configure security by User ID, which includes the Payables Approval Workflow, or by Checkbook ID. You can also configure ONLY signatures using this model. Setting Up Signatures/Approvals by User ID Security by Checkbook ID Signatures…

How to Create a Digital Signature

Introduction to Mekorma » How to Create a Digital Signature

If you will be using signatures as part of your security settings in Mekorma, you will need to gather all needed signatures and transform them into a digital format. Please watch the video below to view step-by-step instructions, as recommended by Mekorma: Take a…

Configure Signature Logic Only

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Configure Signature Logic Only

It is possible to configure your settings so that signature logic only is applied to your check printing. This includes the ability to print blank lines for hand written signatures. *To access the Mekorma Threshold Maintenance window, go to the Mekorma Area page >…

Assign Mekorma Security Tasks/ Roles

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Assign Mekorma Security Tasks/ Roles

Task-Based Security utilizes Dynamics GP System Security.  Administrators must assign users the ability to authorize and/ or approve payments by adding the appropriate Security Roles and Task IDs to an individual’s GP User Security settings. For your…

Send Batches via the ePayment Connector

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Send Batches via the ePayment Connector

Once necessary approvals have been completed (if Mekorma security has been configured for this company), an ePayment batch can be sent for processing in the GP Print Payments window, or from within the Mekorma Payment Hub Action Board. Each payment is processed in…

Manual Processing in the Print Payments Window

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Send Batches via the ePayment Connector » Manual Processing in the Print Payments Window

*To open the Print Payments window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Print Payments Open the Print Payments window. If secure approval workflow is configured, the payments must have gone through the designated approval process before printing…

Use the Check Image Archive

Process Payments » Use the Check Image Archive

The Check Image Archive feature allows you to view and print an image of a posted check/ EFT remittance from the following Payables, US Payroll and Canadian Payroll windows: Payables Payments Zoom Payroll Check Inquiry Payroll Transaction Inquiry Canadian Payroll…

Void ePayment Batches

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Inquiries and Routines » Void ePayment Batches

On occasion, a batch may not have successfully processed on the outsource provider’s portal, and will need to be voided. The batch must FIRST be voided in the provider’s portal, then in Dynamics GP. Step 1: Void in your outsource provider’s…

Build ePayment Batches

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Build ePayment Batches

In standard GP processing, separate batches must be built for each payment type. One of the benefits the Enhanced ePayment service offers is the ability to include all payment types in a single batch. ePayment batches can be created in the following windows using…

Email/ Text Notifications

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Email/ Text Notifications

Setup for individual users Users assigned to Approver or Authorizer security roles can configure their own email and text notification requirements for optimal workflow: You must have email functioning in GP for notifications to work. *To access the Mekorma User…

Review, Edit and Move Rejected Payments

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Review Payments with Task-Based Workflow » Review, Edit and Move Rejected Payments

As of Mekorma Build x81, a new navigation list was added so users can see all the payments that were rejected during the approval process (and subsequently placed in the MICR_REJECT batch). The Mekorma Rejected Payments navigation list allows authorized users to work…

Select Vouchers by Voucher Checkbook ID

Process Payments » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Select Vouchers by Voucher Checkbook ID

Assigning a payment by voucher checkbook ID is most useful when you want to pay a certain type of voucher from a particular checkbook. Examples: You are paying grants, and the grant vouchers can only be paid by the grant checkbook and not your operating…

Issues Fixed

Release Notes for Mekorma Build x82 » Issues Fixed

Release Notes for Mekorma Build x82 Released December 1st, 2020 Mekorma Payment Hub Ensured compatibility with Dynamics GP Web Client. Release Notes for Mekorma Build x82 Released November 17th, 2020 Mekorma Payment Hub Task-based security…

Select Vouchers by Vendor Checkbook ID

Process Payments » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Select Vouchers by Vendor Checkbook ID

Assigning a payment by vendor Checkbook ID is most useful when you want to pay a certain type of vendor from a particular checkbook. Examples: You are paying grants, and the grant vendors can only be paid by the grant checkbook and not your operating…

Print Payments Using the Web Client

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Payments Using the Web Client

These instructions apply to printing within the Dynamics GP Web Client, assuming the Mekorma Print Client has been installed and the user who needs to print has been granted security access to the Web Client. Open the Print Payments window. Use the look-up to…

Build Multiple Batches at Once

Process Payments » Build Batches with Mekorma » Build Multiple Batches at Once

*To open the Action Board, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Mekorma Action Board Open the Mekorma Action Board. Click on the Action drop-down menu and select Build Payment Batches (this is the default selection upon first opening the…

Assign a Checkbook to a Vendor

Process Payments » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Assign a Checkbook to a Vendor

You can assign a specific checkbook to a Dynamics GP vendor. Assigning a checkbook to a vendor allows you to automatically exclude that vendor from check batches associated with other checkbooks. The option to exclude vendors can be activated when each check batch is…

Vendor Class Security

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Vendor Class Security

The Vendor Class Security feature provides the flexibility to customize Mekorma’s security settings on a per Vendor Class basis. This feature is supported under Mekorma Legacy Security by Checkbook ID and User ID, as well as Task-Based secure approval workflow.…

Options for Building Batches

Configuration » Action Board Setup » Options for Building Batches

Automated approval requests/ edit lists When building payment batches using the Action Board, you have the choice to automate approval requests, print edit lists, or disable those options. *To open the Action Board Options window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup…

New Features & Changes

Release Notes for Mekorma Build x82 » New Features & Changes

ANNOUNCING: Mekorma Enhanced ePayments We now provide outsourced AP payment services through partnerships with multiple service providers via our ePayment connector. Without changing your processes in Dynamics GP, our partners will pay on your behalf via check,…

Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection

Process Payments » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection

Mekorma’s Assign by Checkbook feature allows payables invoices to be assigned to a specific checkbook. You can assign each invoice to a checkbook individually, or assign groups of invoices to a single checkbook in a batch process. This feature works with payables…

Select Vouchers Using the Action Board

Process Payments » Assign Checkbooks for Invoice Selection » Select Vouchers Using the Action Board

To use the Assign by Checkbooks feature when automating the batch building process in the Action Board, you can Select Vouchers by Vendor or Voucher Checkbook ID when you create a Process ID.  Watch the video excerpt below demonstrating how to select vouchers by…

Approve or Reject Vouchers

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Review Payments with Task-Based Workflow » Approve or Reject Vouchers

As of Mekorma build x80, Approvers have the ability to reject specific vouchers in the same way that vendors may be selected for rejection. Approvers no longer have to reject the entire vendor payment if only one of the invoices should not be included. This feature is…

Test and Enable the Action Board

Configuration » Action Board Setup » Test and Enable the Action Board

*To open the Action Board Setup window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup > System > Action Board Setup Test the Action Board If you would like to test the payment process in the Action Board before going live in a production environment, you can do so by…

Print Multiple Batches at One Time

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Multiple Batches at One Time

The Action Board provides an ability to automate the printing and posting of payables batches across multiple companies and checkbooks. Instead of needing to log in to each company separately, all batches can be viewed and selected for processing within one window.…

Void ePayments

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Inquiries and Routines » Void ePayments

Although the AvidPay portal and Nvoicepay portal allows users to void payments at both the payment level and at the batch level, Mekorma does not currently support voiding at a payment level. !DO NOT void individual payments in the outsource provider portal; only void…

Print Using the MEM Connector

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Using the MEM Connector

You can print batches using the MEM Connector from GP’s Build Payment window, where you can select whether to Centralize or Decentralize the process. The configuration for Sorting and Subtotal options will effect the results as follows: Setup Options…

EFTs in the Action Board

Configuration » Setup for EFT Processing with Mekorma » EFTs in the Action Board

All previous set up steps for processing EFTs with Mekorma must be in place. This page addresses settings that are specific to processing EFTs (ACH) within the Action Board. !You cannot use GP Report Writer when processing EFTs with MMM. The settings for EFT…

Create a Build ID

Configuration » Action Board Setup » Create a Build ID

A Build ID allows you to save your payment voucher selection criteria so you don’t have to recreate it each time you build payment batches. To save the build criteria, the Action Board uses a window based on Dynamics GP’s Build Payment Batch window.…

Print Canadian Payroll Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Canadian Payroll Checks

*The check numbering system for Canadian Payroll checks is configured on the Payroll Control Setup – Canada screen, not the Checkbook Maintenance screen. You are ready to print Canadian Payroll checks after the following steps have been completed: Create a…

Print Blank Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Blank Checks

Blank checks are not posted to the General Ledger when they are printed. To record them, they must be entered later as manual payments. Though the blank checks are not recorded at the time of printing, if the default starting check number is used, the Next Check Number…

Results Reports Email Setup

Configuration » Action Board Setup » Results Reports Email Setup

After batches are built in the Action Board, a Build Results Report is generated. After processing checks and EFTs in the Action Board, an MMM Print Process Results Report is generated. After posting checks and EFTs in the Action Board, a Posting Results Report is…

Approve or Reject Vendor Payments

Process Payments » Approvals with Secure Approval Workflow » Review Payments with Task-Based Workflow » Approve or Reject Vendor Payments

Return to the approval window to approve transactions by marking the check boxes next to each payment and clicking on Approve. If a transaction requires a second approval, the Status will display as Pending 2nd Approval and will only be available for printing/…

Enable Assign by Checkbook Feature

Configuration » Enable Assign by Checkbook Feature

You can assign Payables invoices, POP Shipment/Invoices and POP invoices to checkbooks using the Assign by Checkbook option available from the Additional menu on transaction entry screens. The feature must be enabled to take effect. *To open Mekorma System Options,…

Choose EFT Remittance Options

Configuration » Setup for EFT Processing with Mekorma » Choose EFT Remittance Options

In order to email EFT remittances to vendors, you must choose an appropriate remittance format. *To open the Checkbook Setup window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup > Purchasing > Checkbook Setup Open the Checkbook Setup window. Select the checkbook you…

Inquiries and Routines

Process Payments » Payment Outsourcing Process » Inquiries and Routines

There are a number of ways to make inquiries on payments / batches processed by the outsource provider. Additionally, depending on the status, certain actions will be available to further or complete processing if an issue arises. In Build x82, some common inquiries…

Out-of-Office Feature Set Up

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Out-of-Office Feature Set Up

If an Approver or Authorizer needs to delegate another GP user to take over their duties for a period of time, they can do so in the Mekorma User Preferences window. The delegate must have access to the Mekorma Navigation lists. *To access the Mekorma User…

How to Use This Guide

How to Use This Guide

Welcome to Mekorma’s online user guide, designed to equip you with the knowledge needed to install, configure and run payment processes using Mekorma Payment Hub for Payables/ Payroll, Multi-Batch Management, Enhanced Electronic Payments and the MEM Connector for…

Print Payments Electronically

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Payments Electronically

When processing payments using one of our outsource providers, you can let the service handle the printing and mailing of your vendor checks. Once batches have been built using standard Dynamics GP functionality or the Mekorma Payment Hub Action Board, the payment…

Check Sorting Options

Configuration » Action Board Setup » Check Sorting Options

You can choose how to sort your checks during the multi-batch printing process. The following options are available: *To open the Action Board Options window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Payment Hub Action Board > Options Open the Action…

Print US Payroll Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print US Payroll Checks

You are ready to print US Payroll checks after the following steps have been completed: Create a US payroll batch using the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP procedures. Build and calculate your checks. *To open the Print Mekorma MICR US Payroll Checks window, go to…

Configure Quick Messages

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Configure Quick Messages

Quick messages allow users to enter frequently used reasons for rejecting a payment or voucher. The messages are entered on the Quick Messages window and then become available for selection on the Reject Reason window when a payment or batch is rejected. This feature…

Local Printing Options

Configuration » Payment Outsourcing Configuration » Local Printing Options

There may be circumstances in which you need to print checks/payments locally that are normally sent to the outsource provider (Nvoicepay or AvidXchange) for processing. You can do this by changing a vendor, payment, checkbook, or company’s status to…

Print Miscellaneous Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Miscellaneous Checks

The Dynamics GP Miscellaneous Check feature allows you to print a check to any entity without creating the entity as a vendor. Mekorma MICR uses the Dynamics GP Miscellaneous Check screen, but intercepts the check printing process and prints the checks using the…

Grant Security Access to Mekorma Alternate Windows

Configuration » Grant Security Access to Mekorma Alternate Windows

Mekorma Payment Hub uses alternate Microsoft Dynamics GP windows for printing payables transaction checks, payables batch checks and US payroll checks. Security must be granted to these alternate windows for each user printing checks. Before setting up security roles…

Print EFT Remittances

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print EFT Remittances

If you are printing EFT remittances, you can select the format for printing the remittances by entering an option in the EFT Remittance Options field. The selected format is displayed in the Mekorma MICR Check Printing screen when you print the remittances. The same…

Automate the Selection of Printers

Configuration » Automate the Selection of Printers

There are two options for automating your printer selection so you don’t have to choose a printer every time a batch is printed: Configure GP’s Named Printers Use the Action Board printing options when printing payments from the Action Board. GP Named…

Run Table Maintenance

Installation » Run Table Maintenance

As third-party products are not included in the Dynamics GP upgrade process, Mekorma provides its own unified table upgrade system for all your GP companies. Table Maintenance must be run after installing Mekorma for the first time, or after upgrading to a more current…

Mekorma Fields for Check Stubs

Configuration » Set Up a Checkbook » Customize Check Formats Using the Configurator » Mekorma Fields for Check Stubs

All available check stub fields within the Mekorma Configurator are listed below by section. Any of these fields can be added by clicking on the Add Elements button once the Mekorma Configurator has been opened: These fields are available for Payables, US Payroll…

Introduction to Mekorma

Introduction to Mekorma

Thank you for your interest in Mekorma products. Mekorma Payment Hub is a payables solution integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP®. The Payment Hub offers MICR check printing and the ability to print on blank or pre-printed check stock; automated signature logic;…

Recommended Printers and Supplies

Introduction to Mekorma » Recommended Printers and Supplies

Printers for MICR Check Printing We recommend that you print Mekorma checks to a dedicated medium – higher quality check printer using blank check stock. The printer should have the following capabilities: Speed of 45 ppm and up Two-tray capacity Recommended…

Set Up a Checkbook

Configuration » Set Up a Checkbook

Before setting up your checkbooks for Mekorma MICR check printing, please be sure you have already created the necessary Checkbook ID(s) within the Dynamics GP Checkbook Maintenance window. Consult your GP documentation if you need assistance with this step. Mekorma…

Enable MEM Connector for Individual Checkbooks

Configuration » MEM Connector Setup » Enable MEM Connector for Individual Checkbooks

The MEM Connector must be enabled on a per checkbook basis for both Payables and US Payroll. This will enable the MEM integration buttons to display on the necessary windows. Payables *To open the Mekorma Checkbook Setup window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Setup >…

Mekorma Products Manager

Installation » Mekorma Products Manager

The Mekorma Products Manager is a helper dictionary that manages table maintenance and product registration for all Mekorma products. This product is installed with Mekorma Payment Hub. It is a required component necessary to run all Mekorma products. The Products…

Print Refund Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Refund Checks

To print a refund check with Mekorma MICR, follow the standard GP processes to create the return(s). If you need help configuring Mekorma refund check formats, please see this page. *To access the Print Mekorma MICR Payables Checks window, go to the Mekorma Area page…

Specify Check or Remit Numbers

Configuration » Setup for EFT Processing with Mekorma » Specify Check or Remit Numbers

If you want to use check numbers instead of the EFT numbering sequence with Mekorma, that option must be configured in Dynamics GP. *To open the Checkbook Maintenance window, go to the Mekorma Area Page > Cards > Financial > Checkbook Open the Checkbook Maintenance…

Setup for Remote Approvals

Configuration » Setup for Remote Approvals

With the release of Mekorma Build x80, PowerApprovals is our Microsoft Power Platform-based mobile application for remote payment approval. PowerApprovals allows any designated company approver within the organization to easily approve payments from their mobile…

Dynamics GP Web Client

Configuration » Dynamics GP Web Client

As of Mekorma Build x70, Mekorma products are compatible with the Dynamics GP web client. You can easily print payments from a browser of your choice, although Mekorma recommends using Google Chrome. When doing so, you will have access to all Mekorma features with a…

Adding Elements to Check Formats

Configuration » Set Up a Checkbook » Customize Check Formats Using the Configurator » Adding Elements to Check Formats

Our existing check formats can be customized by adding elements using the Mekorma Configurator. Fields can be added to any of our check formats, and can be easily placed or re-located with the Configurator’s drag-and-drop interface. *To access the Mekorma…

New Installation or Product Upgrade

Installation » New Installation or Product Upgrade

Mekorma Payment Hub Run the Mekorma Installer Log in to Windows as an Administrator. Once the installer has been downloaded, launch the executable file. The file will follow this naming convention: MICR + GP version + Mekorma build version. (ex.…

Print Payables Transaction Checks

Process Payments » Print Payments » Print Payables Transaction Checks

The process for printing payables transaction checks with Mekorma follows the same steps as printing standard Dynamics GP payables transaction checks with one exception: The alternate Print Mekorma MICR Payables Transaction Checks window is used, rather than the…

PowerApprovals System Requirements

Introduction to Mekorma » PowerApprovals System Requirements

Power Apps subscription You will need a Power Apps subscription in order to access Mekorma PowerApprovals. The subscription model offers per-app or per-user licensing. *To purchase Power Apps for an organization, you must already be an Office 365 Global or Billing…

Pay a Vendor Manually When Using ePayments

Process Payments » Print Payments » Pay a Vendor Manually When Using ePayments

When using Mekorma Enhanced Electronic Payments, if you have selected to have the ePayment service print your vendor checks off-site, there may be times when you need to print a check manually using Mekorma MICR. There are two ways to accomplish this task: Change…

MEM Connector for Payables

Configuration » MEM Connector Setup » MEM Connector for Payables

The Mekorma MEM Payables Connector module integrates with Binary Stream’s Multi-Entity Management® product to provide access to facility (entity) information for vouchers printed on Mekorma MICR check stubs. The MEM Connector for Payables requires a separate…



*Please note, you must install Mekorma on every workstation that performs operations requiring the use of Mekorma features. Preparation Determine your Microsoft Dynamics GP version before downloading your Mekorma product(s). Download the product installer that…

Disable Print Blank Checks

Configuration » Configure Security Model » Task-Based Security » Disable Print Blank Checks

If you would like to deny users access to the Print Blank Checks option from the Mekorma MICR Payables, US Payroll and Canadian Payroll menus, the Print Blank Checks Menu Option can be disabled. *To open the Mekorma Security Setup window, go to the Mekorma Area Page >…

MEM Connector Setup

Configuration » MEM Connector Setup

MEM stands for Multi-Entity Management®, a product written for Dynamics GP by Binary Stream Software. This product allows organizations to manage multiple legal entities (companies) in one single database. The facility is assigned as payables transactions are entered…