Release Notes for Mekorma Build x81 Released August 17th, 2020
- Mekorma Payment Hub
- Applies to Task-Based Security: Fixed issue with approval payment status not changing when user approves a payment in PowerApprovals.
- Fix for Delegatble transactions when viewing My Specific Transactions.
- The Canadian Payroll dictionary has been updated for optimal functionality.
- Fixed issue with payroll checkbooks not transferring from build x55’s Mekorma Checkbook Setup table to new Mekorma Checkbook Setup table structure.
- Multi Entity Management
- Fixed issue where rejected payments were checking for MEM Payables integration registration keys.
Release Notes for Mekorma Build x81 Released July 16th, 2020
- Mekorma Payment Hub
- Applies to Task-Based Security:
- If EFT security was turned on and approvals required, the Request Approval button appeared in the Print Payments window, but did not hide the Process button. This allowed the remittance to be printed without going through the approval process.
- Approval emails now show the correct amount after a transaction has been rejected, instead of the originally requested amount.
- Corrected the label on the Select Logo File window.
- When setting up email notifications for the approval process, the email address field was limited to 30 characters. Now unlimited characters are allowed.
- When a payment voucher is rejected, approval requestors will now receive email notifications.
- Batches are now approved one company at a time, so it’s possible for batches to be named identically in different companies.
- You can now Generate EFT/Safepay files using the Action Board without the requirement to set up Named Printers.
- The PDF Archive supports the ‘&’ symbol.
- PDF copies are now generated even when suppressing Direct Deposit Change.
- Applies to Task-Based Security:
- Multi Entity Management
- Entity assigned to MICR_REJECT now follows the validation rule.
Last modified:
September 23, 2020
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