Task-Based security allows you to configure a secure approval workflow process for payables batches.

This video gives an overview of Task-Based security and how it works:

To activate secure approval workflow, Threshold IDs are configured and saved at the system level, then applied to checkbooks. A Threshold ID allows you to save a series of threshold ranges, associated with users’ Task IDs and default signatures in the way that works best for your company.

Secure Approval Workflow

Secure Approval Workflow allows one or more designated user(s) to approve payment transactions before check/ EFT batches can be printed and processed. Approvers are assigned transactions within a particular threshold range, and those threshold ranges can also be associated with default signatures as determined by your settings. This type of workflow allows Approvers a detailed view of each payment within their assigned threshold range, and the ability to approve or reject as needed:

  1. A designated GP user creates a payment batch.
  2. The user must then Request Approval on that batch to start the workflow process. This can be done from the following GP windows:
    • Edit Payment Batch
    • Edit Vendor Payment
    • Build Payment Batch
    • Print Payments
    • Approvals can also be requested on all created batches from the Mekorma Payment Batch Status List.
  3. Approvers will receive email and/ or text notification that payment batches need approval (within their assigned threshold range).
  4. Approvers can access GP from any location. Payments are listed by Vendor in the Mekorma Approval List, and it is possible to view all vouchers that have been applied to each payment. If you have a document management system that integrates with GP and provides you with access to scanned invoices from this screen, that information will also be available.
  5. Payments at the Vendor level can be rejected and removed from the batch. Approvers can provide a detailed message back to the requester as to why those payment should not be processed and how to proceed.
  6. Once approval has been given, the Requester will be notified via email that the batch can be processed.
  7. The Mekorma Audit Log keeps a record of all payments and which GP user approved them.


Authorization provides a simplified workflow for US and Canadian payroll batches. 1 – 2 users (Mekorma Batch Authorizers) can be assigned to authorize before the listed payment types are able to be printed/ processed. Authorizers simply view the batch total and decide whether to authorize the entire batch for printing/ processing. Signatures can be associated with customized threshold ranges.

  1. An authorized user creates a payment batch.
  2. The user must then Request Authorization on the batch. This can be done from the following GP windows:
    • Edit Payment Batch
    • Edit Vendor Payment
    • Build Payment Batch
    • Print Payments
    • Authorization can also be requested on batches created at the company level, from the Mekorma Payment Batch Status List.
  3. Designated Authorizers will receive email and/ or text notification that payment batches need authorization.
  4. From the Mekorma Payment Batch Status list, authorizers can access GP to review details about the number of transactions in the batch and the total dollar amount.
  5. Once the authorization has been given, email notices go back to the Requester and the batch can then be processed.
  6. The Mekorma Audit Log keeps a record of all batches and which GP user authorized them

Follow this link for complete instructions on how to configure Task-Based security once you have installed Mekorma.

Last modified: December 23, 2020

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