Automated approval requests/edit lists

When building payment batches using the Action Board, you have the choice to automate approval requests, print edit lists, or disable those options.

  1. Open the Action Board Options window (Mekorma Area Page > Setup > System > Action Board Setup > Options).
  1. In the Build Payment Batches section, choose one of these options:
    • No Edit Lists or Approvals: This will disable edit lists and approval requests entirely.
    • Request Approvals: This will automatically send approval requests as each batch is built.
    • Print Edit Lists
      • If you generate Edit Lists, you can print them or send them to a folder:
        • Printer: send to a printer
        • File: Saved as a text, tab-delimited, comma-delimited or HTML file type and stored in a file location of your choosing. The Action Board will give them unique file names to help you identify them.

Last modified: January 4, 2022

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