One of the advantages of Mekorma Enhanced ePayments is that all standard GP procedures for building batches can be used to build ePayment batches and all payment types can be combined in a single batch. The batches are built as standard check batches, yet the vendors will be paid by their choice of payment method.

As a review, here are the methods for building batches from most to least automated:

  • Mekorma Payment Hub Action Board (Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Mekorma Action Board)
  • Build Payment Batch (Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Build Payment Batch)
  • Edit Payment Batch (Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Edit Payment Batch)
  • Edit Vendor Payment (Mekorma Area Page > Transactions > Payables > Edit Vendor Payment)

When creating a batch for payment outsourcing:

  • Choose Check as the payment method. Payments sent for outsourcing must originate as a Computer Check batch. Please note that manual payments and payments entered as Transaction Payments in a voucher will not be processed by the ePayment service.
  • Select a checkbook that is configured for Enhanced ePayments.
  • Build your batch by selecting the desired payments/ payment criteria.

When batches contain payments for vendors Excluded from the service – those payments will NOT be sent electronically. Mekorma Enhanced epayments will automatically split the batch when processing and print those vendor payments locally as checks.

Last modified: June 24, 2021

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