Release Notes for Mekorma Build x84 Hotfix released August 17th, 2021

Mekorma Product Manager
  • The New Mekorma Software Version window has been updated to provide contact details for the Customer Success Team instead of Professional Services.

Release Notes for Mekorma Build x84 released Wednesday, June 30, 2021.


  • This User Guide has been revamped! If you’ve been thinking about implementing an approval workflow, or fully automating your process with the Action Board, check out the new sections in the user guide that offer detailed scenarios.
  • Nvoicepay is changing its product name to Corpay. Previous instances where Nvoicepay was mentioned in our software and user guide have since been renamed to Corpay.
Mekorma Payment Hub

  • Action Board:
  • The approval email notification will now greet the recipient with the requester and the approver’s Usernames instead of their User IDs.
  • We have improved the security on Transaction Checks by replacing Authorizer capability with business rules based on the Approval workflow. The Authorizer functionality was redundant and caused users of the approval workflow to have to Approve and Authorize which created extra steps. See here for more information on Transaction Check security setup. We recommend reconfiguring and testing your system prior to upgrade, if possible.
  • When the system attempts to retrieve keys but is unsuccessful, a registration key message will pop up.

Mekorma Enhanced ePayments
  • Starting with Mekorma Build x84 existing users of Mekorma Enhanced ePayments will be able to upgrade their version themselves by downloading the installer from the Mekorma website. New users will still work with the Mekorma Customers Success team to complete their initial install.
  • The Action Board’s action, “Update Enhanced ePayment Status”, has been streamlined to only show companies that are configured with Mekorma Enhanced ePayments. It will also inform users whether there are companies still awaiting status or whether all statuses have been received.
  • When using Corpay as a service provider, Mekorma Enhanced ePayments can now send payments to vendors via wire transfer in other countries as long as the vendor accepts US dollars.
  • Mekorma Enhanced ePayments now supports integration with Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management (MEM) with transaction funding. Daily funding is not supported with this integration.
  • The Customer Success Team can help users include one field, calculation or text of your choice. This field can be directly or indirectly related to an invoice or payment. It will replace the transaction description data on the payment remittance in one of the columns related to invoices. This was used by one of customers to enter their account number from their invoice onto the remittance.
  • The navigation path to the Enhanced ePayment Batch Status window has changed from Enhanced ePayment Integration Batch Status and moved from the Inquiry menu to the Transactions menu.
Mekorma PowerApprovals
  • PowerApprovals now supports a view-only mode for users who are not Approvers. This allows them to review payment info but it does not allow them to approve or reject payments.
  • Voucher descriptions will now include an additional column that will display terms discount amounts applied to the voucher, if any.
  • Now PowerApproval users can go directly to PowerApprovals when clicking an approval request email link. This works both on a computer browser and on a phone. Before this capability, users had to navigate to Power Approvals from the Power apps dashboard on a browser.
    • To do this the user can specify the exact URL of the hosting app by entering the URL in the PowerApproval Web Link field inside the Approval Email Setup window (Mekorma Area Page > Setup > System > Security Setup > Approval Email Setup > PowerApproval Web Link).


Last modified: August 25, 2021

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