If your organization can set certain basic policies for:

  • how you select your check batches
  • how often you pay
  • which payment discounts you want to capture
  • what payment methods you want to use

then Action Board provides a way to streamline your processing efforts. It significantly reduces the time you spend creating and processing payment batches.

Payment Hub’s Action Board allows you to select multiple build criteria across all your companies and perform the following actions, all from one page:

  • Build payment batches
  • Submit batches for approval
  • Process payments
  • Post batches

You are ready to build the payment batch

Navigating to Action Board

Navigate to Mekorma features by using the search function and typing in Mekorma and selecting Action Board. Bookmark Mekorma components in Business Central to add them to the main menu for easy navigation.
Navigating to Mekorma with the search feature

Last modified: November 26, 2024

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