This section provides solutions to commonly troublesome topics. For more detailed and specific topics, visit our Knowledge Base.

Having trouble viewing Action Board?
If you have trouble viewing Action Board, or any of your companies, review the permission sets for your users. Review your Business Central permissions.
Having trouble using your bank accounts with Action Board?
As with any ERP, before you begin using Action Board, ensure that the bank accounts you plan to use with Action Board are established and active. Bank accounts are tied to each step of the Action Board process, so ensure that they align with your organization’s requirements.
Having trouble keeping track of your companies?
When using cross-company configuration, we recommend adding a way to distinguish your companies, such as a badge. This helps ensure you can clearly discern which company you are operating in. For more information on setting up a company badge, see Display a company badge–Business Central | Microsoft Docs.
Having trouble with payment numbers in Remote Payment Services?
Mekorma recommends using different number series if there are multiple users. When a user finishes and posts one batch, there may be issues with the number series if they start capturing a second batch before the last batch has been posted. This ultimately requires them to manually update the starting payment number.

If you are having issues with duplicate payment numbers, see Renumbering Payment Numbers.
Having trouble reviewing errors?
To help minimize errors when using Remote Payment Services, enable Data Check in the General Ledger Setup page. This feature activates the Journal Check FactBox, which makes errors and solutions more visible to users.
Having trouble printing with Action Board?
If you’re unable to print in some companies but not others, the issue might be with how your printers are named. Action Board relies on the printer names in the Printer Selection table (shared across companies). If the printer names differ between companies, printing may not work in certain ones.

To resolve this issue, ensure that all printers are named exactly the same in every company. This consistency allows Action Board to detect and use the correct printer, no matter which company you’re working in.

Last modified: November 26, 2024

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