Establish your check printing parameters in your bank account settings. Click on Print Payment Options (Bank Accounts > Mekorma Settings > Payment Hub > Print Payment Options) to review the check print options:

Bank account is the bank account associated with the payment.
Last check number is the last printed check number. The next print will use the following number.
One check per vendor allows you to consolidate all payments for a specific vendor to one line entry.
Reprint checks allows you to reprint checks.
Test print sends a test print to ensure your system is working correctly.
Preprinted stub is for instances where you may be using preprinted check stock.
Commit each check allows you to finalize a check after it has been printed.
Journal template shows the current journal template in use.
Journal batch shows the current journal batch in use.
Posting date displays the posting date of the check.

Enable each of these as necessary for your check printing configurations.

Ignore the Filter: Gen. Journal Line section. Those values will be supplied when printing checks in Action Board. Changing these values does nothing for the process and are effectively ignored.

Last modified: November 26, 2024

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